In rare garden will not meet Campanula. Even if they are not planted specifically, but somewhere it will come out a humble wildflower, leaning with thin stalks on its neighbors, will open their blue flowers.
Of course, in the garden Campanula is not given a major role, but the attitude towards them is gentle and caring, as they are associated with native nature, the nearby forest or meadow, with barefoot childhood and set up a poetic mood.
Campanula distributed throughout the temperate zone of the Northern hemisphere. Having collected the Campanula collection, you can make a distance trip to the Alps and the Caucasus, the Mediterranean and wander into North America.
Systematics provides over 300 native species, complemented by allocated to cultural forms and heritage varieties.
Campanula is appropriate in any garden community: and in the curb, and on the Alpine hill, and in the prefabricated flower garden; as in an open Sunny place, and in the partial shade of trees. For some time they become soloists, then giving the championship to other plants. And this should not be forgotten, choosing neighbors who must first allow Campanula to bloom without obscuring them, and then — to hide not very attractive appearance.
In the wild, in a highly competitive Campanula look more modest than in the garden, where they create suitable conditions and improved nutrition.
But taking care of plants, do not forget about what soil, at what temperature, humidity and light they used to live in nature.
Campanula is suitable for those who care about the design of the garden (at the same time will be selected the most stable and most decorative species, shapes and varieties), and those who are passionate about collecting plants.
The unique diversity of species is concentrated in the Caucasus – the fourth part of all Campanula. But paradoxically, they are little known, and only a small part of them is grown in gardens. The climate of the middle zone is quite suitable for them, you only need to create suitable conditions for each species in the garden.
To tame a tough mountain views and to the abundant flowering – the highest award of the gardener.
Campanula — mostly herbaceous perennials, but among them are monocarpic, usually flowering in the second year, and annuals. In order to avoid disappointment from the loss of such plants, take care of the collection of seeds to reproduce them again.
What to remember when growing Campanula
Rare Campanula, especially mountain species, is able to endure the moistening of the roots during the winter, so the place of their planting should be drained.
Perennial species are often grown without transplanting, so you need to take care of soil fertility. Most species grow well on neutral and slightly alkaline soils; for mountain species growing on limestone rocks, need slightly alkaline soil.
Plants need feeding in the spring and during budding. The most demanding to moisture forest species, the rest can be satisfied with minimal watering.
Some Campanula form a lot of seeds and give a sorrel self-seeding, which is sometimes difficult to deal with: the plant can grow in any gap between the stones or in the blind area. Therefore, the faded shoots should be cut before the seeds ripen. Pruning also stimulates flowering on the side shoots, lengthening its duration.
Some species – creeping rhizomes, which can also lead to clogging of flower beds. Decorative species should be limited to any dug-in fence, not particularly decorative – do not start in the garden at all.
All plants with creeping rhizomes, as well as forming several outlets by the end of the season, can be divided and thus propagated and rejuvenated. Plants with tap roots can not be touched: they are propagated or cuttings, which is not easy, or seeds.
Seed reproduction Campanula — a simple matter: the seeds can be stored for 5-7 years, germinate or even without cold stratification, or with a short two-week.
Thick shoots are better to thin out to ensure the seedlings normal development. Growing up seedlings before planting in a permanent place, preferably in adjustable beds.
The main pests of Campanula are slugs, which are especially dangerous for small growing plants, and they will make so many holes on an adult that all the decorativeness will come to naught. Therefore, it is necessary not to stint on the purchase of metaldehyde-containing drugs.
Good luck with growing Campanula!
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