- What can cause joint pain?;
- 1. Age-related changes;
- 2. Excess weight;
- 3. Poor diet;
- 4. Abuse of sweet and sugar;
- 5. Heredity;
- 6. Past infections;
- 7. Frequent stress;
- 8. Weather dependence;
- How to get rid of pain;
- 1. Ointments with bee, snake venom or turpentine ;
- 2. Badger fat;
- 3. Tinctures of medicinal herbs;
- How to keep your joints healthy?;
Sore joints bring a lot of suffering, causing pain, creating problems when moving. Often the reason for this is the age-related changes characteristic of the elderly. But recently doctors note that diseases of joints “grow younger”.
What can cause joint pain?
A common mistake — feeling pain or stiffness in the joints, treat these symptoms without thinking about the causes of their occurrence. Many at the same time ignore the appeal to the doctor. But the symptoms appear for a reason. And perhaps by eliminating the causes of their occurrence, it will be possible to keep the joints healthy for a long time?
1. Age-related changes
With age, the amount of fluid in the joint bag that feeds directly the cartilage tissue decreases. Because of this, the cartilage is put less durable, gradually destroyed, friction between the articular surfaces increases. Over time, this process leads to degenerative changes in the joints.
2. Excess weight
Any extra kilogram of weight gives an additional load on the joints of the lower extremities. Excess weight and static load (when we sit for a long time or do something in the same position) affect the joints, causing pain and deterioration of their General condition. On the other hand, if you are overweight to jump or run — for example, to lose weight – it will further increase the load on the joints. So the selection of exercise should be approached wisely.
3. Poor diet
Modern food contains a sufficient number of different additives that make food, on the one hand, tasty, and on the other — harmful. Salt, preservatives, fats, spices are not harmless to the joints. Many products are rich in purines, which as a result of improper metabolism are converted into uric acid salts and accumulate in the joints. At the same time, the water-salt balance in the body is disturbed, which prevents the timely excretion of salts from the body.
4. Abuse of sweet and sugar
This is also the wrong feed, but the connection with diseases of the joints here is indirect. However, it is necessary to focus on this factor, because many people love sweets. Is there a problem? Sweet lovers faster gaining weight and this extra stress on the joints.
5. Heredity
Unfortunately, many diseases of the joints have a genetic predisposition, to change that is not in our power. But it is necessary to know and take into account this risk factor.
6. Past infections
Some infectious diseases are combined with joint pain. And that is unpleasant, even after recovery from the underlying disease a variety of complications in the form of joint pathologies often remains.
7. Frequent stress
Under the influence of stress, muscle spasms occur, blood circulation is disturbed, which can affect the health of the joints.
8. Weather dependence
Many people notice that the change in weather provokes pain in the joints. This is explained by the fact that sudden changes in atmospheric pressure lead to disruption of local blood circulation and the production of articular fluid necessary for the supply of cartilage. Lack of fluid prevents sliding of articular surfaces, and as a result there is inflammation and pain.
How to get rid of pain
Some diseases are associated with inflammation of the affected joint, others lead to its deformation, limitation of functions. But whatever the diagnosis, whatever the causes of the disease, one of the symptoms characteristic of all diseases of the joints is pain. It significantly worsens the quality of life, exhausting, often deprives sleep. How to get rid of it?
Of course, self-medication is not necessary. The best option is to consult a doctor who, after the necessary examinations, will prescribe the correct treatment. But if it hurts right now, what will help relieve inflammation and pain?
1. Ointments with bee, snake venom or turpentine
These are well-proven tools. When applying the ointment to the skin, its irritation and stimulation of nerve endings occur, local blood circulation improves, as a result of which the pain gradually subsides. The effect of using the ointment will be great if you apply it 3-4 times a day.
2. Badger fat
For many, it is a miracle cure. When applying fat to the skin of the joint, an oil film is formed, which prevents heat transfer, and there is an effect of warming up the joint. However, the result is not achieved immediately. But if you make a compress, wrapped the joint, the pain will go faster. Experts say that instead of badger you can use any other fat, even sunflower oil.
3. Tinctures of medicinal herbs
Tinctures of medicinal plants have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, but their effect is weak, so the analgesic effect may not occur immediately. In addition, alcohol when applied to the skin evaporates, and it can be felt as cooling, and in joint pain, preferably warming up. If you use tinctures for compresses, there is a risk of burns. Be careful using such means.
How to keep your joints healthy?
Even in the presence of risk factors, the forecast is more optimistic, if the time to deal with prevention, which includes:
- maintaining a healthy weight;
- physical activity: swimming, yoga, Pilates, Nordic walking, skiing or Hiking are especially beneficial in adulthood;
- avoiding sudden movements and preventing injuries;
- a balanced diet, the inclusion in the menu of vegetables, fruits, berries, and other foods that contain fiber and vitamins;
- healthy lifestyle, avoiding alcohol and cigarettes;
- positive attitude in any life situation.
Unfortunately, joint diseases have a chronic course with periods of remission and exacerbation. During periods of exacerbations (and this most often happens in the off-season), go through the treatment prescribed by the doctor in time. Then you will be happy and work at home or in the country, and physical activity, and the education of grandchildren.
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