There is a huge plant world family Apocynaceae, beautiful representatives of which are poisonous.
Despite the last feature, they are invariably in the list of the best garden plants grown all over the world. Even this fact alone gives us the right to consider them in full.
Some species are familiar to all: they have long lived in our cottages, giving the beauty and aroma of its flowering. You will meet others for the first time. And we start with periwinkles, which can rightly be considered the Champions among groundcover shade-tolerant plants: they can grow indefinitely, so the size of their woven evergreen carpet is limited only by the will of the owner of the site.
Vinca major
Especially effective in the spring, when the lush greenery of its carpets are decorated with blue, blue, purple, pink, white flowers, tirelessly appearing during the month (from March to may), and sometimes more.
It is a creeping perennial with a height of 45 cm Hailing from the Western Mediterranean. Dark green leaves reach a maximum length of 9 cm Flowers from bluish-to dark purple, up to 5 cm in diameter.
Decorative forms:
- ‘Dartington Star’ – leaves lanceolate, the flowers are star-shaped;
- ‘Maculata’ – leaves with yellow-green center;
- ‘Reticulata’ – young leaves with yellow-cream veins;
- ‘Variegata’ – leaves with a creamy white border.
Vinca minor
Vinca minor blooms in April-may, the second wave of flowering begins in July and continues until the first autumn frosts.
This is a long-term evergreen shrub with a height of 10-20 cm with creeping shoots. Leaves oval-elongated, smaller than that of Vinca major (up to 5 cm).
Decorative forms:
- ‘Atropurpurea’ – green leaves, purple flowers;
- ‘Argenteovariegata’ – white-bordered leaves, bluish-purple flowers);
- ‘Alba Variegata’ – leaves with light yellow border, white flowers;
- ‘Gertrude Jekyll’ – compact, white flowers;
- ‘Sebastian’ – height 10-30 cm, leaves with yellow-green spot;
- ‘Azurea Flore Pleno’ – yellow-green leaves, purple-blue flowers, Terry;
- ‘Double Bowles’ – purple, double flowers;
- ‘Multiplex’ – dark purple, double flowers;
- in the curb (with growth control);
- for decoration of rocky gardens or tree trunks;
- for plant compositions with flower annuals;
- together with perennials in containers, tubs;
- for decorating the shore of the pond.
Vinca herbacea
Herbaceous perennial with creeping rooting shoots not length of 100 cm and a height of 40 cm he Hails from Europe, from the Caucasus. The flowers are blue-purple, up to 1.8 cm in diameter; bloom in April-may.
It is not only decorative, but also medicinal plant. Its grass in the form of decoctions is used in folk medicine as a means of lowering blood sugar, expanding the vessels of the brain.
Vinca difformis
A rare species native to southwestern Europe and North Africa.
It is up to 30 cm high and grows to infinity in width, so you need control and restriction. The leaves are dark green, up to 7 cm Flowers of light blue, white, diameter up to 4 cm long, bloom in early spring. More thermophilic than other species: can withstand up to -5ºC.
Features of growing periwinkles
They are unpretentious, winter-hardy: almost all withstand frosts to -15ºC and winter in the middle lane under snow without shelter (in snowless winters plants are covered with spruce branches).
Prefer neutral, loose, fertile soil. Decorative forms are more demanding to light, humidity, temperature. For more bushy plants, the tips of the shoots are pinched. They are quite resistant to pests and diseases.
Propagated by dividing plants, cuttings in spring or late summer; rarely seeds.
Placement of periwinkles in dachas
They are indispensable as ground cover plants for shady places.
They can be used:
That is intriguing
1. Since ancient times, periwinkle shrouded in legends and legends. According to one of its large blue flowers, which bloom for a long time – the gift of the goddess Flora.
2. The Latin name of the genus Vinca is associated with the ability of the plant to form long curly shoots: translated from the Latin word vinca means to entwine.
3. Periwinkle is loved by people of many countries: Greece, Italy. In Germany, it has long been planted in flower beds at home. It was believed that it drives away the home from evil spirits and keeps him luck and happiness.
4. Thanks to the hardiness and simplicity of the Vinca were planted in the cemeteries, which created a new legend and a new national name: it became known as the witch’s violet.
5 it is Known that this evergreen was loved by the famous French writer Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Until now, on one of the Islands near Geneva, where the famous philosopher lived, a periwinkle carpet blooms in front of the monument to him in the spring.
Catharanthus roseus
It is often called pink periwinkle.
Today it is very popular dwarf varieties with a variety of colors of flowers.
Put it in the flower beds. From it arrange seasonal borders. Used in garden pots.
The plant is poisonous. It is used as a medicinal plant to reduce blood pressure and calm the nervous system. A decoction of the flowers of the periwinkle are used when washing, resulting in facial skin becomes soft, supple, matte finish.
Nerium oleander
Evergreen flowering relative periwinkle, reigning in the hottest summer months.
It is unpretentious in the tub culture, so it is successfully grown in the middle lane and even North.
Trachelospermum jasminoides
Wonderful evergreen climbing vine height 5-7 m. it Comes from China, Japan, Korea.
The leaves are hard, shiny, dark green, up to 14 cm long. the Flowers are white, with the scent of Jasmine, up to 2.5 cm in diameter; bloom in June and July (outdoors). It can be grown in a tub culture with proper wintering: in a bright cool room at a temperature of +5…+10 ° C.
It bears great fruit in the South.
Propagated by seeds, layering, apical cuttings from abundantly blooming in the summer of copies, but more often in the spring of half-timbered cuttings with heel.
Trachelospermum jasminoides can be grown on a trellis, giving the crown the shape of a pyramid or arch, used to decorate columns.
When cultivating remember: all parts of the plant are poisonous! The strong smell of flowers can cause headaches.
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