How to choose a quality wood? And whether it is necessary for the beginner who has decided to become the owner of the chopped house to delve into handicraft details? Those who are on the last question firmly answers “No”, “wooden” articles can skip with a light heart. It is rather intended for lovers of difficulties that prefer to go all the way from the Foundation to the interior, to plunge into the nuances of the construction of the log, to get acquainted with the artel techniques developed hundreds of years ago.
In this case, first arm purely professional terms, well-known competent seller somewhere on construction site, and dial the minimum vocabulary before traveling to the country of wooden architecture.
Boards in stock
Types of wooden building materials
Let’s get acquainted with types of wood construction materials:
- Of course, a simple log will distinguish each.
- If this beam to “miss” one off through a table saw with two blades of saws, then the output is the carriage.
- And if the mast lying on the cut side, to pass again through the same sawmill, will four-channel beam.
- If on a sawmill there will be a bigger number of cloths of saws, then it will turn out either a small bar, or a cut Board.
- On the machines can be cut and the so-called planed mouldings. Treat him familiar to every cottager paneling, trim, block house, plinth, flooring etc.
Edging material is divided according to the size of its section. It could be:
- bars with side more than 100 mm,
- Board (they have a width twice or more higher than the thickness of),
- and bars (the exact opposite of the boards, as their width is twice the thickness). The standard length of the beam is 6 meters. Cross-section of the beam is also mainly standardized-10×10 cm, 10×15 cm, 15×15 cm.
Edged board
Not just once or twice on our website under the discussion of construction issues with wood, flashed terms such as weaving, forty, inch Board, and so it implies standard dimensions edging of boards and planks.
Of wood the most popular is the lining. It is in use for interior decoration and for facade cladding.
Block house, planed Board-type lining
Breed of wood
It would be unfair if in this article we did not talk about a variety of tree species.
Edged wood plank texture
- Most often used for the construction of pine. This is a very durable material, not too prone to moisture absorption. Pine wood “goes” to a variety of mouldings.
- Also among conifers builders respect larch, fir, spruce and cedar.
- For interior decoration suitable broad-leaved species: oak, beech, ash.
- And for the inner lining of the bath is not better to find wood aspen.
What to choose from?
For log is best suited pine, as it has a smooth shape and good air flow. It means that the house is easy to breathe. The thickness of the logs must not be less than 18 cm Of large diameter (more than 35-40 cm) now only dream of, and in the European part of this size can barely find. But 26-28 cm is also an acceptable option.
What logs should I choose?
You often hear the term “timber”. This means that the logs should be straight, and each linear meter of the length from the base to the top of a log and its diameter should be reduced to 1 cm, of Course, all the logs for log home should be close in diameter, with a maximum deflection of 3 cm to remove the inconsistency in the diameters of logs, hewing them often under the same size, i.e. exclude some natural taper.
Log defect-mechanical damage. It will further become a hotbed of decay of wood.
How to check the quality of wood? There is an ancient craft technique, when the ax swings hit the log in the hope to hear a clear sound. But this does not always work, because the elasticity of the material depends on the momentary humidity of the wood.
On the grade of wood. According to the norms provided for 4 grades. They differ from each other in the number and size of existing knots. If you decide to buy wood by yourself:
- Going to the construction “exchange”, do not forget to bring a tape measure and a cord.
- Take the time to fathom all the dimensions of the proposed wood, from logs to wood.
- It is also necessary to measure the possible natural deformation of wood, for example, “propeller”. It is possible to “catch” the same lace and attaching it taut to the sides of the Board.
Wooden floor Board with veneer
By the way, when sawing it is not possible to consistently maintain the desired dimensions of the finished product. A millimeter to a millimeter. It could well be called “special cutting”. Here you are, getting the wood, note the thickness of the boards in various places along its length, especially the ends. You will be able to reject such material already in a warehouse. Here it is worth paying attention to black or even fallen knots. Of course, such material should not be loaded into your truck.
Original wood cladding
Of course, natural, living building materials can not be objective disadvantages. It is already mentioned knots, cracks, fork, and so Each of them can devote a separate article. It is not easy to “drive” the natural material under the bracket of perfection. However, there are pleasant exceptions. For example, the butt skirt. For American carpenters, this is a nice find, diversifying the schedule log cabin.
Dress skirt
After getting acquainted with the list of natural disadvantages, the question arises involuntarily: “in principle, is it possible to find the ideal building material made of wood?”. And the question, “where can I find it?”does not give rest to the future developer.
Answers to these questions should be sought from Mature professionals who have devoted themselves to wooden architecture. “Simple” Builder installers of contemporary urban homes will not fit here. As they say, contact the professionals. Godspeed!
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