November is a difficult time for our body. Changeable weather, short gloomy days, damp and cold-it is uncomfortable and not too useful for health. It is not by chance that colds become more frequent at this time.
But as you know, forewarned means armed. In our forces in advance to take preventive measures, and if they did not help-to begin to fight the disease at the first sign of it.
Surely you already have their proven ways and methods to solve this problem. But agree, to have a useful “cheat sheet” with tips and additional recipes will still not be superfluous. From colds, unfortunately, none of us is immune, and when unwell-there is no time to search for the necessary information.
This review is just designed to play the role of such a “cheat sheet”.
We will take care of prevention
If you maintain and strengthen your immune system, take preventive measures without waiting for the disease, many problems can be avoided. Everyone probably knows that. But how exactly to strengthen the immune system? What are effective methods of preventing colds and flu?
Know the enemy in person
It would seem that we know everything about colds as well as doctors. If the hospital is not needed, then we do not apply to the clinic — we use our own Arsenal of tried and tested means. And often they do help.
But unfortunately, sometimes what we used to believe to be true, it turns out to be just a myth… and in fact, as far as health is concerned, it is better not to make mistakes! Therefore, even if you are sure that you are treating a cold, cough, runny nose correctly, it is worth checking your knowledge.
Effective folk remedies for colds and flu
Modern medicine works wonders, and science does not stand still — there are new, more advanced pharmacological drugs, including against colds, flu. But generations-tested “grandma’s” recipes are still popular — because they really help!
The only thing I would like to remind you: do not think that the treatment of folk remedies is absolutely safe and suitable for everyone without exception. It’s not! Almost all natural drugs have contraindications, and among us there are very few who are absolutely healthy. Therefore, if you have serious chronic diseases, it is always worth consulting a doctor — and only then make a decision about using a particular prescription. And in General, self-treatment is justified only if you understand exactly what you are doing, and have sufficient knowledge and experience to choose the right methods and means. In other cases, it is better to rely on specialists.
Always at hand
Many “medicines” from the national first-aid kit will be found in every home: onions, garlic, lemons, honey and other useful ingredients are probably any hostess.
From tea to balm
For the prevention and treatment of colds and flu, folk medicine widely uses a variety of drinks – from teas (diaphoretic, vitamin, warming, restorative) to tinctures and balms (these are medicinal drinks based on vodka or cognac, prepared using a large number of ingredients-herbs, fruits, nuts, honey, etc.; in some recipes of balms, the number of components reaches 40 or more).
Healing power of herbs
Natural remedies for colds and flu, coughs and sore throats are growing under our feet. Familiar Plantago and Tussilago farfara, raspberry and mint, familiar to many Thymus and Origanum vulgare, Salvia officinalis and Hyssopus — all these and many other plants are available to most summer residents.
All good health! Strengthen your immune system and treat colds in a timely manner to avoid unpleasant complications.
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