Today I will show you the best of the best varieties of tall bearded irises. They are usually determined by the society of iris, conducting internal surveys, figuring out the popularity and dignity of a candidate for the title of best.
In the USA the first prize, to be officially registered and introduced (introduced to the culture) variety – honorable mention (HM). Iris hybrid variety ‘Superman’ received it in 1989.
Further, America should be the Cup of Walter. It is awarded to the variety with the highest number of votes (commendable reviews).
Iris hybrid variety ‘Before the Storm’ through all the intermediate awards reached the Dykes medal.
In the second year after the assignment of a commendable review varieties claim the quality award (AM).
‘Brazilian Holiday’ variety with lavender-white top and plum-purple bottom was awarded to AM in 2001. One of its peduncle can carry up to 20 buds!
Much earlier (in 1996), the award AM received a corrugated bluish-purple variety ‘Classic Look’, the lower lobes of which are decorated with large white spots and bright purple border. It is always stable in flowering.
Often variety persistently goes to the highest award for many years. For example, iris variety ‘Romantic Evening’ in 1998 received NM, in 2000 – AM. He may soon be awarded the Dykes medal.
Quality awards AM in 1998 and received the white highly corrugated sort of ‘Nordica’. His red beard contrasts distinctly on white fouls. The secret to a long-flowering double flowers.
Goes to the highest award and a wonderful variety ‘Word Premier’, in 2000 received NM, and in 2002 – AM.
Later, among the varieties that received the award for quality, professional judges of the American society of iris, who are guided by certain standards, are selected the most-the most, which are awarded the highest award – the Dykes medal (DM).
This is the most honorable award for American and canadian irises. It is awarded annually to the class with the highest (but not less than 15%) number of votes of judges.
By far the greatest sympathy iris lovers uses the red-brown cultivar ‘Copatonic’.
In addition, currently iris highly appreciate varieties such as:
- ‘Before the Storm’;
- ‘Supreme Sultan’;
- ‘Mesmerizer’;
- ‘Honky Tonk Blues’;
- ‘Silverado’;
- ‘Dusky Challenger’;
- ‘Victoria Falls’ and others.
Irises — holders of the Dykes medal
At the carnival of irises, you can see several titled varieties, awarded the highest American award. Among them – purple variety ‘Before the Storm’ – one of the most dark-colored, almost black irises; Dykes medal (after a commendable review and awards for quality), he received in 1996.
Among other award-winning carnival characters and luxurious pastel iris hybrid variety ‘Celebration Song’ with apricot-pink top and lavender-blue bottom; Dykes medal he earned in 2003
In 1998, this high award was awarded to the variety ‘Conjuration’ with a white top and a light bottom, the edge of which is decorated with an amethyst border, and the center – a reddish-orange beard.
The impeccable luxury of a single-color blue-purple pleated iris ‘Dusky Challenger’ was awarded in 1992.
A little later, in 1995, received the coveted award two-color variety ‘Edith Wolford’ with a light yellow top and blue bottom.
In the same year, Dykes medal was awarded and wonderful monochrome blue lace iris variety ‘Honky Tonk Blues’.
Perhaps someone does not like the old-fashioned light lavender iris variety ‘Mary Frances’ with lowered lower lobes, but it is full of charm that is timeless. Dikes medal grade received in 1979
I really like the titled monochrome light blue (or rather silver) variety ‘Silverado’. He received the coveted award in 1994.
No less beautiful and light blue variety ‘Song of Norway’. Blue beard was definitely a spectacular addition to the flower. Dykes medal deservedly received this grade in 1986
Two-color blue and white iris variety ‘Stairway to Heaven’ titled in 2000
An unusual green-and-cream-brown iris cultivar ‘Thornbird’ that attracts the attention of the purple antlers-appendages. This is a representative of the so-called “space generation”irises. He received the Dykes medal in 1997.
Delicate remontant iris variety ‘Victoria Falls’ (light blue, with a distinct white spot and a white beard on the lower lobes) was awarded the Dykes medal in 1984.
Re-flowering is observed in autumn.
“Space” irises
These include varieties in which parts of the flower are present outgrowths of unusual shape. The beard often receives a spatial extension in the form of horns, spoons, and sometimes it turns into a petal inside the flower, turning it into a Terry.
The first “space” iris was obtained in the United States by L. Austin in the 50s of the last century. It is clear that the interest in unusual varieties stimulated selection in this direction. In 1980 was obtained grade ‘Sky Hooks’: on the light yellow lobes of its perianth is clearly visible Golden beard with purple horn.
Iris hybrid variety ‘Sky Hooks’ was awarded a commendable review in 1982, the award for quality he received in 1986.
In my opinion, especially original “space” snow-white variety ‘Mesmerizer’.
Look closely at his miracle-growth – a large petaloid in the form of a petal.
For a more vivid and distinct manifestation of spatial outgrowths irises need a sufficient amount of sun and heat.
Titled variety ‘Thornbird’, which was discussed above, and falls into the irises of the “space” generation due to the spatial purple outgrowth.
This is a small overview about the unusual and award-winning irises over and we say goodbye to this culture until the following may. And who knows what wonders await us in the selection of next year’s carnival iris…
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