Every day, when I leave the house in the morning, I admire the bright blue colors that immediately lift my mood. Right in front of the porch is a flower garden that I inherited from the previous owners, in which the phlox subulata began to bloom, and now it is supported by luxurious rowan trees.
Numerous pale blue phlox flowers form a light “cloud” at the base of a large bush of cornflowers. And he, in turn, adds colors: his blue is piercing, juicy, expressive and attractive.
Today, trying once again to find the most expressive angle, I suddenly noticed that the Phlox flowers are not only beautiful, but also fragrant))
Unfortunately, the “Crane’s beak”, whose blue flowers could adequately support the composition, grows a little to the side. I think next year it should be transplanted closer. This “Study in Blue” was incredibly positive.
Still, I think the yellow flowers will look great next to it. Probably, the previous owners also thought so: they planted along the Rowan Tree, Evening primrose. But it will blossom later…
I think that a good addition can be a solar doronikum.
Moreover, the flowering time is suitable for them, and the conditions for them are quite comfortable.
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