- Filipendula ulmaria;
- Botanical reference;
- Decorative varieties:;
- Where can you find Filipendula ulmaria in nature?;
- Application;
- Accommodation in the country;
- Filipendula vulgaris, syn. F. hexapetala;
- Botanical reference;
- Decorative varieties:;
- Where can you find Filipendula vulgaris in nature?;
- Application;
- Accommodation in the country;
Yesterday a question was asked about Filipendula. Answers to it still did not give a complete picture of these two beautiful plants that can take a worthy place in the flower garden, near the pond in your dacha.
Filipendula ulmaria
Botanical reference
Filipendula ulmaria is a perennial herbaceous, rhizomatous plant with an erect, leafy, unbranched, ribbed stem, 50-200 cm tall. the leaves are intermittent-pinnate, with broadly ovate, incised-sawed, whitish-leaved leaves from below; when rubbed with a pungent odor. Flowers fragrant, numerous, small, yellowish-white, collected in a thick paniculate inflorescence; bloom in June-July. The fruit is ripen in July-August.
Decorative varieties:
- ‘Aurea’ (leaves yellow to creamy yellow in spring, later pale green);
- ‘Flore Pleno’ (double flowers);
- ‘Variegata’ (leaves are yellow-variegated).
Where can you find Filipendula ulmaria in nature?
It occurs in wet and swampy meadows, along the banks of reservoirs, in swamps, wet places, in Central Asia.
Filipendula ulmaria is a wild food, medicinal, honey-bearing, ornamental plant. In therapeutic and prophylactic nutrition, roots, young leaves, shoots (dressing for soups, borscht, salads), leaves and flowers (like tea, flower wine) are used.
For therapeutic purposes, rhizomes and grass are used, which have anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, diaphoretic, diuretic, analgesic, anthelmintic, restorative and other effects.
Accommodation in the country
Filipendula ulmaria is a compact, rather dense plant, which does not spread to the sides, with attractively beautiful carved leaves and fluffy, fragrant inflorescences. During the flowering period, it will lighten the shaded wet places of the site, it will look good at the reservoir (coastal wet and swamp zones). In the composition can perform an accompanying role. The distance between plants 30-40 cm undemanding To soil.
Filipendula vulgaris, syn. F. hexapetala
Botanical reference
Filipendula vulgaris, syn. F. hexapetala. Unlike the previous species, a lower plant, up to 60-80 cm tall, rhizome with tuberous thickenings on the roots. Leaves in the basal rosette, intermittently pinnate. Flowers fragrant, numerous, up to 1 cm in diameter, from creamy white to pale pink, collected in a loose paniculate inflorescence; bloom in June-July. The fruit is ripen in July-August.
Decorative varieties:
- ‘Flore Pleno’ (bronze buds, creamy yellow flowers, Terry),
- ‘Rosea’ (pink flowers).
Where can you find Filipendula vulgaris in nature?
It is found in meadows, forest edges, glades, meadow steppes in the forest and forest-steppe zone.
Filipendula vulgaris is a wild food, medicinal, honey-bearing, ornamental plant. In therapeutic and prophylactic nutrition, tuberous thickenings (raw, boiled, flour), leaves and flowers (like tea) are used.
With the medical purpose use rhizomes with roots and the grass possessing astringent, diuretic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, disinfecting, hemostatic, wound healing, anthelmintic, tonic and other action.
Accommodation in the country
Filipendula vulgaris is attractive with beautiful carved leaves and fluffy, fragrant inflorescences. Unlike the previous type is good in lighted, not very wet places. It is recommended for a mixborder as an accompanying element supporting a classic white scale, or a mottled lawn. Distance between plants 25-30 see Reconciles with poor, but better is growing on fertile soils.
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