The range of floor coverings is now so large that you may not even know about all types. In order not to be offended for the money spent, the choice should be approached with special care. The analysis of the main materials for the floor is in our review.
When buying a carpet, first of all, you will have to choose between materials made of synthetic or natural fibers.
Synthetic carpet has its advantages. It is very pleasant to walk on it without shoes, especially if it is with a long pile. In addition, it perfectly absorbs sound.
Many people prefer products based on polyamide or polypropylene — these are the most popular inexpensive options. However, they can not be called durable: a maximum of 10 years-and the carpet loses the brightness of colors, wears out, becomes thin and cold.
It should be handled carefully: coatings of light shades quickly get dirty and are very poorly cleaned of stains and dirt, besides, synthetics do not withstand mechanical loads well. For example, in the place where the roller chair is located, a bald spot appears very quickly.
Seamless carpet laying in an ordinary rectangular room is not too difficult, but if you still have to make seams or cover stairs, then this work will require special skills and a set of special tools.
It is recommended to treat the new carpet with an antistatic agent, especially if it is planned to be laid in a room with computers or other household appliances.
Of the natural coatings, wool is considered the best. It looks great in any interior and is able to maintain its presentable appearance for many years. Its service life is 40-50 years, and with careful care – even more. Expensive handmade products are often inherited.
Of course, any natural carpets are an order of magnitude higher than artificial ones and this is their only drawback. As an alternative, you can look at acrylic coatings. In terms of quality, they are almost as good as woolen ones, but they are cheaper at the same time. A good option would be a product made of mixed fabrics, for example – from acrylic and viscose, or acrylic and silk.
If your family has allergies, clean the carpet with a vacuum cleaner with an effective micron filter. It allows you to remove allergens, preventing them from entering the air.
Wooden floors
One of the advantages of a floor made of solid natural wood is its wear resistance. And if it needs updating, it can withstand multiple finishes with looping and varnish protection. As a result, such a floor will serve more than one generation of owners.
But it should be borne in mind that wood is hygroscopic and sensitive to changes in humidity. Therefore, it is not recommended to lay it in the premises of the ground floor, as well as in kitchens and bathrooms.
Seasonal changes in humidity can cause warping or cracking of the boards. As a result, there will be gaps between them, and unpleasant creaks will appear during operation. However, this may not happen if the material is treated with a moisture-resistant composition, which, of course, will affect the price.
If the budget is limited, it is better to use laminate. This is one of the most popular coverings, which in appearance almost does not differ from a natural board floor. Laminate panels can be glued to the finishing layer or left “floating” on the substrate. It takes little time to lay them, even if some slats have to be adjusted to the size.
Not so long ago, this material was criticized for its fragility, but now its individual types are characterized by a high degree of wear resistance. If the surface is still damaged, the problem areas will have to be replaced, since it is not allowed to cycle the coating.
For the device of particularly strong floors, you can use the so-called “terrace board”. It is made of wood of various breeds, with mandatory treatment with special compositions. As a result, the product not only retains all its useful properties, but also acquires new ones: strength, fire resistance, moisture resistance, resistance to pests and fungi.
Tiles and porcelain stoneware
Ceramic tiles are among the most wear-resistant coatings. If they are laid correctly, it is difficult to think of a better option for areas subject to heavy loads.
It is easy to take care of such floors: it is enough to walk on them with a wet mop. But we must remember that any fragile object will definitely break when falling on the tile. In addition, tiled floors are not as warm as wooden ones. However, this problem is easily solved by heating devices.
But even without an additional heating system, laying tiles is the most time-consuming and therefore the most expensive work. In the absence of the necessary experience, it will be difficult to carry out the installation yourself, and you will need to pay a considerable amount for attracting a specialist.
Linoleum and plastic
These coatings are the easiest to install, but not always the cheapest. They are produced in rolls and plates. All types of products are distinguished by a huge variety of colors and patterns.
Linoleum is made of both artificial and natural materials. It is clear that a product made of polymers or alkyd components is cheaper than a coating made of wood resin and linseed oil. But in any case, it is a durable material, although manufacturers recommend periodically covering it with protective mastic.
Plates made of polyvinyl chloride are noticeably more expensive than not only linoleum, but even laminate. And if the linoleum can be damaged by falling sharp objects or scratched from the legs of furniture, then plastic plates are deprived of this disadvantage. In extreme cases, the damage will be quite insignificant and almost imperceptible.
Due to the high wear resistance, PVC plates are not afraid of mechanical influences and can serve for a very long time. If necessary, any of them can be quickly replaced, which greatly simplifies maintenance.
Like linoleum, the plastic coating is a moisture-proof material, so it can be laid in rooms with high humidity. But for laying both, a perfectly flat base is required. Otherwise, all the defects of the rough floor will immediately manifest themselves.
Exotic coatings
In the store or at the market, they can also recommend natural floors made of cork or bamboo. The first are produced in the form of sheets (sometimes with an already adhesive layer), the second — in the form of boards.
Cork is a very soft material, so there are often traces of heavy furniture on it. It is difficult to call it wear-resistant, but it is very warm and perfectly absorbs noise – you can not do additional sound insulation. Perhaps, cork flooring is an ideal option for a children’s room.
But the finishing layer of bamboo is extremely durable. Even under the most unfavorable operating conditions, such a floor will look like new for a very long time. The advantages also include a high degree of moisture resistance and antistatic-bamboo does not collect dust.
Unfortunately, the cost of both coatings can hardly be called budget, so they are not available to everyone.
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