There are a lot of “sensational” ways on the Internet that miraculously “increase and improve” everything in the seedling business. But we will talk about really working techniques based on plant physiology. What kind of tomato seedlings do we want to grow? Of course, strong, healthy, beautiful, and then powerful, productive plants with excellent immunity will grow out of it, which will protect them from diseases. Let’s consider 4 secrets of such seedlings.
1st secret: the shape of the pot
The material from which the seedling pot is made does not play a special role, but its shape does. The container for growing tomatoes should be narrowed to the bottom, so these plants like it better. This can be a container in the form of a truncated cone or a peat pot in the form of a prism.
2nd secret: microbiota
The composition of the microbiota in the soil where they grow is very important for tomatoes. It happens that microorganisms that populate a specific substrate or land from your site prevent the germination of seeds. Therefore, at the initial stage of cultivation, it is worth using a special soil mixture for tomatoes or peat tablets, in which there is no biota.
3rd secret: ion exchange
Tomatoes are the culture that needs ion-exchange processes in the root system. Therefore, it is only necessary to provide plants with the necessary ions, as their development improves. To achieve a good effect, when filling the pots with soil, add a special ionite substrate. It is enough to mix 1-2 tablespoons per 1 liter of soil.
4th secret: oxygen
For good health, tomatoes need a large amount of oxygen at the roots. To ensure it, you can use loose materials such as sunflower seed husks, coconut chips, etc., pouring them on the bottom of the pot. Moreover, it should be remembered that if hybrid plants are less in need of such care, then varietal plants simply need it. There is an effective solution that surpasses any husk in efficiency. This is a drainage made of a special material-foam glass for plants. It retains a huge amount of oxygen, and the roots of tomatoes will be able to consume it in the right amount.
With the help of these secrets, you can give your tomato seedlings exactly what they need.
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