Someone who likes dill in the salad, some like the soup with dill (but need to sprinkle in a plate), additional a hundred cans of pickled cucumbers. But… do not be a dill, does not grow – do not have troubles. Vacationers hardly believe his main crop on his land. With potatoes and cabbage no one does not even compare to will.
How to grow dill in the garden
Usually in the spring self-seeding rises, plants are more than enough for preparations, and for drying, and for cooking Lunches. Not often he is given the best places in the beds. Except for sales of fresh herbs are grown according to the rules.
Because about diseases of dill, but remember at the apparent wilting of young bushes. Although it’s spicy taste, the plant is also able to hurt.
Fusarium wilt of fennel
This is the most harmful disease caused by Fusarium fungi. Plants can lie, here the disease is called a black leg, like tomatoes.
Another sign – grown dill yellow and die leaves, and the plant itself withers. Fusarium acts on dill in the same way as on cucumbers and asters – it penetrates into the vascular system of plants, destroys it. From this scourge it is equally difficult to be saved: both in fields, and in greenhouses it is found every year. And in all regions where dill is grown. Even with hydroponic cultivation of Fusarium root rot and destroy the plant.
When sowing in early may, by the middle of the month from the garden for the first soup, you can only gain thin sprouts, but the more fragrant they seem to us. In early June, the bushes are already so grow that you can cut the greens.
Around this time (it is somewhat different in different regions) Fusarium has already made yellow lower leaves, then change the color of the upper – plants niknut become sluggish. First the main color gives chlorosis, and then plants (as and leaves strawberry) become reddish-violet. This shade is given by anthocyanins. As a result, the plant dries. So “work” three of the fungus: Fusarium oxysporum, solani and сulmorum.
How to protect plants
Without prevention is not enough! But there are some totally unsuitable tips. For strawberries, there is a rule-to remove from the plot sick plants with a lump of earth, the soil in the hole to shed solutions of fungicides. Dill is grown differently. You can’t dig up every plant, you can’t take it to the fire. The cottagers only have to put dill in your holiday rotation. Not only to plant tomatoes and cabbage on new beds and to maintain terms of return of these vegetables on a former place, but also for dill to enter the same rules: in three-four years!
And just as carefully choose a place for sowing, so that there are no obvious lowlands where water accumulates, so that new beds are relatively free from pathogenic fungi, with light soil (through it the water goes easier, breathable). Water under the spine, and not on top – rain, fertilize. But even more important is the choice of resistant varieties.
What a dill is grown gardeners
Varieties are divided into salad, for processing and suitable for the production of spices. Can be divided on another basis-the age of the stems. If dry sooner dill in household dryers for vegetables, then stems are not need.
Because liked the picture on the bag did not make it clear that, for example, the early maturing ‘Gem’ at this size at an early age, when forty days have not yet turned, the arrow begins to grow.
If the fennel needs to obtain umbrellas. Although such plants are needed in the dacha, because ground dill seeds are also used.
Late-maturing varieties may not yield because they are affected by Fusarium.
Although each summer resident has their favorite varieties, but the choice should still be based on resistance to the disease, and the number of leaves should be large enough.
Resistant to Fusarium wilting varieties of dill
All varieties can be divided into groups:
- practically stable, highly resistant;
- weakly receptive;
- susceptible;
- highly receptive.
The trouble is that in the annotations on the bags do not mention the susceptibility to Fusarium. In catalogs sometimes there is information that the variety is relatively resistant to diseases, although there is no specific mention of Fusarium.
Conclusion: to protect dill from fusariosis, you need to choose sustainable varieties, do not neglect prevention measures.
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