So historically, most of the summer residents do not have a separate garden shed: there is a General capital, and they do. But this is not always convenient: all the home actively contribute to its filling, and the most convenient place for a new thing for some reason is right at the door. Naturally, over time, at the entrance formed a formidable blockage.
Do not forget one more feature: many of us simply can not immediately send to the landfill out of use thing, whether it is an old coat or a lame coffee table — and suddenly something will do? No, let him lie for a while, but not in the house! As a result, get out of the barn rake, not bringing down a pile of things, not always obtained.
Quite another thing — a garden shed. Personal, where only our good is stored: pitchfork and rake, hoes and scoops, soil and pots, pegs and twine, markers and garden magazine. And if your imagination helpfully drew about such a picture (as in the photo below), do not worry: the barn does not have to be dilapidated, dusty or unsightly.
Garden shed can be cozy and charming so that you will want to spend near him as much time as possible, and for solutions for its decoration will not be the case.
Perfection in miniature
A small garden shed can be roomy and functional: on the folding table it is convenient to transplant flowers or dive seedlings.
There is a place for shovels, and for leek, and on the shelves are conveniently placed gloves, pruner and other useful stuff.
It is not even necessary to buy the material: for the arrangement of a nice shed, you can use the doors and window frames left after repair.
The main thing-everything you need for gardening is in one place and easily accessible.
Two in one
You can double the use of the garden shed, equipping it with a mini greenhouse for growing seedlings.
Or build a small canopy, which is conveniently located under the woodpile or garden wheelbarrow.
Or arrange a cozy place to relax, where you can wait out a little rain, and a Cup of tea.
And my friend has a shed attached to the garden house, under which a small sandbox and a swing were placed. Very convenient: and the work is progressing, and the children under supervision.
Fantastic beauty
Surely many would not refuse to store garden equipment in the hut, as if descended from the pages of the book of fairy tales.
Or in such a wonderful house. However, it is likely that children would quickly win it for their own needs, leaving the hoe and rake without a roof over his head.
I would have to build a new barn for the equipment urgently. But this is not a problem: there is no lack of ideas, here are some more interesting ones.
The charm of the color
Here the emphasis of the building-the color scheme. The snow-white structure looks very nice, but will fit, perhaps, only fans of purity. I would not dare to paint my garden shed in white, but to admire it-with pleasure.
But the delicate lilac and the eye is pleasant, and not so easily soiled.
Noble gray will harmoniously fit into any surrounding landscape.
Giving free rein to imagination, you can combine colors to infinity: and who said that the garden shed should be solid?
In my opinion, the design option of the garden shed in the photo below-a great solution: a lot of natural wood texture and a little bit of soft pastels.
Agree, do not be window frames and door painted, the structure would look ordinary, but a minimum of paint gave it a stylish look.
From which to build?
In priority, of course, wood in all kinds and forms.
Often the tree is not even covered with paint, leaving it in its natural form. But protective impregnation, I would still never gave up.
By the way, one of our readers has found a very original solution to the barn bark — looks very impressive!
Brick sheds are suitable for those who want to get a solid structure.
It is not necessary to copy the proposed ideas: process and change them at your discretion, add pleasant details. After all, this is your garden shed, and only you can decide how to make it a decoration of the suburban area.
What’s inside?
Nice appearance, of course, great. But no less important is how the shed looks from the inside! We contemplate it more than once a day, so it’s recommended that inside he was just as good as the outside.
The window, even small, will create a sense of living room, not a warehouse for shovels and rakes. Can you imagine how nice it will be to sit at the window, recording the date of transplanting or calculating the term of the next feeding for tomatoes?
For the arrangement of useful materials: a few boards and boxes will provide us with a Desk.
Continue to sort out the successful design options garden sheds can be indefinitely. Perhaps it is time to return to reality.
I, unfortunately, do not have a garden shed: choppers and shovels huddle in General with all the ensuing consequences, which I mentioned at the beginning of the article. In no way do not consider myself a fan of the ideal order, but still would like to find things where they left. Therefore, a garden shed for me is not only a dream, but also an urgent need.
At the current plot to build anything makes no sense — the constant flooding pose the question of further accommodation. But on the new plot of land I will have a garden shed! So now I’m in the process of actively searching for beautiful (but not at the expense of practicality) ideas of its design.
Friends, share photos of your garden sheds or interesting ideas seen on the Internet — all useful!
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