I want to introduce you to one of my favorite flowers – Liatris. Tell me, can anyone not like this snow-white miracle?!
Pink-lilac is also gorgeous, its paniculate inflorescences are slightly larger than white, but they are smaller.
I like to have unusual flowers, as I am interested in watching their sprouts, looking forward to the first bud. When such a flower blooms for the first time, I am happy, as if I received a gift from nature. And so it is, because it is not always possible to grow a new plant to make it bloom, there are some that simply do not take root, no matter how hard I try to please them. When I bought liatris seeds, I was sure that he would like my flower bed! And indeed, as if happy that they would grow in comfortable conditions, 19 seeds grew out of 20! I have not had such success yet, I always buy seeds with a reserve, given that not all will come up. I had to give the grown-up liatris neighbors and friends, which they were very happy about)
I just love these flowers, I like them all: beautiful narrow leaves, great aroma, even the ability to bloom from top to bottom. True, the wilted crown of the inflorescence looks sloppy, but I found a way to deal with it – just cut it off. I’ve read that liatrice’s life remains beautiful in a vase for a long time, but I’ve never tried it – it’s a pity to deprive a flower bed of such beauty! Did you like my liatrice?
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