At the end of summer, as if wanting to sweeten the bitterness of parting with him, ripen surprisingly delicious berries – watermelons. Having fully enjoyed the unique taste of fresh fruits, do not forget to stock up for the winter a few jars of original watermelon treats.
Interesting ideas blanks will appeal to every hostess-a minimum of time and a great result! Start discovering new facets of watermelon flavor with that.
Candied watermelon peels
To prepare you need:
- watermelon peel-1 kg;
- sugar-1 kg.
- Peeled watermelon peel cut into pieces about 5 cm wide, pour cold water and soak for two days, changing the water after 6 hours.
- Then drain the water and fill the crusts with ready syrup (1 kg of sugar 100 ml of water), bring to a boil, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook until transparent.
- Remove the cooled crusts from the syrup and dry in the oven at 40°C.
- Boil the syrup until the sugar lipstick is thick, pour it over each piece with a spoon and leave in the oven to dry. Candied fruits should be transparent, vitreous, and do not release moisture when compressed.
- Ready candied sprinkle with sugar.
- Store in glass jars with lid tightly closed.
- Just prepare candied melon rind.
Candied watermelon crusts-a worthy alternative to factory candy: no artificial flavors, no flavor enhancers and other chemicals, which are stuffed with the current caramels and lollipops. The only preservative is sugar. Some Housewives, to get rid of the barely audible pumpkin notes of watermelon flavor, when soaking the crusts, add a few drops of lemon juice to the water.
Pickled watermelon (slices)
1 way
To prepare you need:
- watermelon (flesh);
- brine;
- vinegar essence.
For the brine you will need (for 5 liters of water):
- salt-150 g;
- sugar-250 g.
- The flesh of watermelon (without seeds) cut into cubes 5×5 cm, fold it into the prepared jars.
- Fill with hot brine.
- Pasteurize for 20-25 minutes (time indicated for 3 l jars), add 50 ml of acetic essence and roll.
2 way
To prepare you need:
- watermelon;
- brine;
- vinegar essence.
For the brine you will need (for 3 liters of water):
- salt-150 g;
- sugar – 300 g.
- Cut the watermelons into pieces, place in a jar.
- Pour hot brine, soak for 10-12 minutes.
- Drain the brine, boil, pour back into the jars.
- Add 0.5-1 tablespoon of essence, roll.
Pickled watermelon
- Small watermelons with a thin crust, fully ripe, wash with cold boiled water, prick in several places with a sharp wooden hairpin and put in prepared tubs.
- Pour boiled chilled brine (10 liters of water: for large watermelons-800 g of salt, for small-600 g), cover with a wooden circle, put it on the oppression.
- After about 30 days watermelons are ready to serve.
Tip: to salting watermelons proceed as late as possible, when the basement will be from 0 to +5°C.
Watermelon bekmes
The undisputed hit of watermelon blanks – colored Watermelon bekmes. If you have not tried, rather cook: pancakes, pancakes, tea – very tasty, unusual, fragrant.
- Pulp watermelon chop, wipe through a sieve, strain and put on high heat.
- Remove the foam, strain the juice again and cook over low heat, stirring constantly to avoid burning.
- When the juice is boiled in 6-7 times, bekmes pour into jars and roll. The finished sweetness acquires a red-brown color and a special aroma.
- Store in a cool place.
Sophisticated recipes blanks with a pile of hard-to-reach ingredients does not guarantee a perfect taste of pickles or marinade, but a headache and a lot of time spent – definitely. Simple proven recipes – that’s what you need a modern hostess to without much trouble to stock up for the winter as many berries, vegetables and fruits!
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