Mood swings, anxiety, anxiety, sleep disorders occur in every woman. In the course of everyday affairs, we do not pay attention to this. And it would be worth it, especially if they are permanent. In this case, we can talk about chronic stress — a condition that affects all aspects of a woman’s health and life.
Symptoms of stress
Chronic stress affects all organs and systems. Appetite disorders, fatigue, apathy, tension, migraines, memory problems, insomnia — these manifestations of stress are known to many. But he has other symptoms that may not be obvious at first glance.
Intestinal disorders
Stress affects the reflex circuits between the brain and the intestines. This can cause a violation of peristalsis, secretion of digestive acids and dysbiotic changes. These factors can worsen digestive problems: the appearance of irritable bowel syndrome, heartburn, etc. is possible.
The increased heart rate can be explained by hormonal changes. This is especially noticeable with age. It is known that women before menopause have a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases, because estrogen helps to cope with stress. With a change in the hormonal background and a decrease in the level of estrogen, the risks increase.
Diabetes and excess weight
A sad pattern has been proven by many studies — stress can cause a decrease in the sensitivity of tissues to insulin, which leads to diabetes. And this is explained by an increase in the concentration of the hormones adrenaline and cortisol. Just the latter can cause excess weight, and without changing food habits and behavior. It should be emphasized here that we are not talking about a situation when we eat more against the background of stress, but that stress itself can affect weight gain.
Decreased libido and increased hot flashes
Another marker of stress is a decrease in libido, and if menopause has also begun, one of its manifestations may be dryness of the mucous membrane, which causes unpleasant sensations during intimate relationships. A symptom of stress during menopause is also an increase in tides, especially at night. They can be so intense that insomnia develops with all the ensuing consequences.
Stress in menopausal women
Listing the symptoms of stress, we have already touched a little on the characteristics of women who have entered the menopause period. Now let’s focus on this in more detail.
Menopause is a time of hormonal adjustment in the body, so stress during this period is perceived more vividly. Characteristic emotional reactions in women are explained by a decrease in the production of estrogen hormones, changes in the body, poor health. Against the background of stress, the already very unstable emotional and physical state of a woman can be even more shaken. Therefore, during the menopause, we should pay maximum attention to ourselves, listen to internal feelings, take care of ourselves.
Changes in the body occur even before menopause, in the so-called premenopause. During this period, the production of estrogens begins to decrease in the body. Women note mood swings, changes in the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Such symptoms can persist for 2-10 years. About 70% of women call increased irritability the main emotional problem in the early stages of menopause.
With the onset of menopause, the production of estrogens in the body significantly decreases, a restructuring begins, affecting both mood and well-being. Estrogen affects the complex mechanism of control of serotonin and norepinephrine-hormones that are associated with the development of depression and chronic stress. Roughly speaking, there is no estrogen — there is depression: the connection turns out to be something like this. Therefore, the typical signs of impending menopause are irritability, rapid fatigue and impaired performance. In addition, problems in society, family and work troubles, nervous shocks greatly aggravate the well-being and psycho-emotional state of a woman.
Changing your lifestyle will help everyone
Chronic stress on the background of menopause is a serious condition, but it can be overcome. An active lifestyle, physical exercises, nutrition correction, support of the body with special biocomplexes are measures that will help to overcome this complex, but still physiologically planned process.
Numerous studies have shown that regular physical exercises, meditative practices will help not only to improve well-being, but also to control the unpleasant symptoms of menopause. Experts advise to devote at least 2.5 hours a week to training. And it can be a walk, a visit to the pool, yoga, gardening, etc.
During the menopause, you need to carefully monitor your diet. Eat more omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and enough protein food. It is also recommended to limit the consumption of caffeine and alcohol, because they can act as depressants and worsen the course of chronic stress. Menopause is an integral part of life, as is stress. But this does not mean that you need to give up and stop fighting for improving your own health and condition. The new life that comes with the beginning of menopause is an excellent reason to make significant changes in nutrition and lifestyle. This way, you are guaranteed to have the strength and desire to devote yourself to your family and your favorite business.
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