It’s nice when the country has a greenhouse, created by his own hands. And it’s not so much about saving money, but about what we build for ourselves and with love. Therefore, greenhouse tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables seem to us especially delicious. But sometimes the creation of a greenhouse with his own hands makes the summer resident think. Where to put? From what material to build? What kind of greenhouse is best? And a lot of other questions arise when we plan such a big deal. Let’s first look at what are greenhouses, and then I’ll tell you how to build a greenhouse with their hands for one weekend.
What are greenhouses?
The most common types of greenhouses, the most convenient and beloved by our gardeners – arched, single-slope and double-slope.
Arched greenhouses
Arched greenhouse has a roof in the form of an arc, so the plants get more light, because the sun’s rays are scattered on an arc-shaped surface, giving our carefully vypestovannym green breadwinners light and heat.
Lean-to greenhouses
Lean-to greenhouse usually adjacent one wall to any country sturdy construction. And some summer residents attach it to the southern part of the country house. Such an extension is very budget and allows you to save space on the suburban area. And if the room, which adjoins a single-pitched greenhouse, is heated, it is generally wonderful! You will spend less effort to heat it. But, unfortunately, the snow from the roof of a single-pitched greenhouse does not roll itself, and you have to guard the snowfall, regularly cleaning the roof of the greenhouse from snow drifts.
Gable greenhouses
The most common type of greenhouses-gable, where the roof is decorated in the form of a triangle.
The main advantage of this facility is the space for you and your plants. Some gardeners even build a gable in the greenhouse some semblance of recreation areas, combining the pleasant with the useful.
In addition, all types of greenhouses can be divided into winter and summer.
Winter greenhouse
Winter greenhouse must necessarily be heated, so think for her place closer to the communication system of the house. Although there is another option: to equip the greenhouse with a stove. But it is-extra trouble: the stove should be regularly heated and constantly monitor the temperature regime. Constructing a winter greenhouse with your own hands, it is necessary to put it on a solid Foundation and well strengthen the base and roof. After all, under the weight of snow, the structure can easily be deformed, or even completely destroyed.
It is possible to build the so-called greenhouse-the thermos, which deepen into the ground at 2 m. Accordingly, it is necessary:
- Dig a pit under it.
- Strengthen the foundation.
- Build the walls of thermal blocks.
- Make special insulation
- Conduct heating and perform a lot more time-consuming and financially costly work.
Therefore, such greenhouses are built with their own hands much less often than others.
Summer greenhouse
Summer is usually called greenhouses, the frame of which is covered with a dense polyethylene film. This is the easiest and cheapest option of plating, and with careful use of plastic film is quite capable to serve a couple of seasons.
Under the film greenhouses, as a rule, build a wooden frame, on which in the spring with light movements of our caring handles, a dense polyethylene film is thrown and attached to the wooden base with ordinary nails with a wide hat. And can be used for the frame of plastic pipe. To build a film greenhouse with your own hands is not very difficult even for summer residents who do not have good skills in construction. Therefore, I will tell you about the construction of a film greenhouse with a frame made of plastic pipes.
How to build a greenhouse with your own hands
I hope you have already identified a flat and southern place for the greenhouse. Next, you need to make a plan diagram of the greenhouse and take into account the cost and cost of the necessary material for the construction. And material will need the next:
- boards and timber, which are pre-impregnated with preservative for protection against decay. 2-3 times to cover the wooden parts of the greenhouse with linseed oil impregnated with hot pitch or make the firing conventional blowtorch;
- plastic pipe ;
- dense polyethylene film;
- metal rods (fittings), 1m high;
- nails and screws;
- special hinges for doors and panes;
- lock and handles (door and window);
- metal hinges for fixing plastic pipes.
Stage 1
At the first stage of work it is necessary to prepare an equal platform under a greenhouse, properly to stamp it and to bring down on perimeter of the Board processed by an antiseptic. On corners of a box from boards it is necessary to strengthen armature as it is shown on a photo.
Stage 2
Secure the perimeter of the foundation of several rods of reinforcement at an equal distance from each other. For greenhouses with a size of 3×6 m you will need 30-35 rods. Rods dig into the ground to a depth of 40-50 cm and strengthen well, because they are designed to hold quite a lot of weight. The height of the rods above the surface of the earth must be at least 60 cm.
Stage 3
Now you should put the pipe on a well-fortified rods.
Stage 4
Secure the pipes with metal hinges.
Stage 5
Further strengthen the construction of the beam cross-section not less than 50×50 mm.
Stage 6
To ensure the stability of the frame, further strengthen the corners of the structure timber.
Stage 7
Fasten several pipes together so that the total length of the resulting pipe is equal to the length of the greenhouse, and then attach the long pipe to the transverse arches of the frame.
Stage 8
Now cover the frame with a thick plastic wrap. It is attached with special brackets (you can use a wooden rail, which is more securely attaches the film, not allowing it to break).
Stage 9
Wrap the film around the back and front of the frame, and, wrapping the front part where the doorway is planned, bend the film inside.
Stage 10
Now measure the doorway as accurately as possible and knock down the timber to its size. Fix on the resulting door plastic wrap, and cut off the excess. Then attach the door to the greenhouse frame using metal hinges. In the same way make vents.
Such a greenhouse can be built in one weekend.
Here we are with you and built a simple summer greenhouse that does not require special heating. Now it remains only to equip the racks, fill them with fertile land, coupled with mineral and organic fertilizers and plant seedlings for all sorts of Goodies
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