New year is not far off, and with it a magnificent feast, festive abundance which will not leave anyone indifferent: salads, hot, homemade snacks, champagne, desserts — well, how can you resist!
The initial joy for the abdomen can turn into unimportant state of health at the crucial moment. To nothing marred a happy holiday, there are special table “chips” for good digestion.
Preparing for the alcohol intake
The festive table is rarely without alcohol. However, it is alcohol that most often causes pain of conscience and stomach on the morning of January 1. To the feast was easier, it is better to start preparing for it in advance. If there are no contraindications (such as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract) can be 3-4 days before the holiday to “General cleaning” of the body-to sit on a cleansing diet.
It is better to plan such events outside working hours, because many feel weak (fortunately, the last two days of this year just fall on the weekend, and you can safely do the preparation of the body for the holiday).
Alcohol has a strong irritant effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines and quickly enters the bloodstream. Therefore, on the eve of new year’s feasts it is reasonable to remember the old method: before the holiday gatherings you need to eat a piece of butter — its enveloping properties will help slow down the absorption of alcohol in the body. This technique can be useful for those who quickly gets drunk and loses self-control.
In any feast is extremely important proper snack. To alcohol is best to choose a neutralizing accompaniment-salty or sour products, for example: lemon, pickles and tomatoes, pickled mushrooms, herring, red fish or sandwiches with caviar.
The right combination of products
To festive mood was not spoiled by bloating, remember a few basic rules gourmet:
1. The day of December 31 do not need to starve. It is better to eat a light porridge, enveloping the mucous membranes — this will help prevent irritation of the stomach and intestines.
2. At the table, do not switch from meat to fish — you need to limit yourself to one thing, because together these products are poorly absorbed.
3. Be careful with mayonnaise: it causes a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, slows digestion, and with abundant use can provoke an exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, if you have them. It is more reasonable to give preference to healthy light salads, seasoned with lemon juice, olive oil or low-fat yogurt.
4. Fatty foods (such as meat) should eat a lot of fresh vegetables. Fiber will help speed up the digestion process.
5. Remember: seafood is a strong allergen, as well as citrus fruits. Therefore it is better to eat them carefully and in small quantities.
6. If you receive guests at home and do not complain about your culinary skills, try to replace the purchased sauces with home-made, made from fresh natural products. With homemade mayonnaise, even the simplest and most familiar dishes will play in a new way.
Fasting day
As a rule, the first Breakfast of the new year is never easy. Therefore, it is reasonable to arrange a fasting day on January 1 instead of the traditional eating of yesterday’s salads. You do not need to eat anything heavy, you can arrange a kefir day, drinking a glass every 2 hours, or cottage cheese — 100 g of the product in 5-6 receptions.
This will help to ease a little well-being after a night of gatherings, give rest to the stomach and intestines, restart the digestive process.
Why the stomach hurts: memo to gluttons
Of course, self — control over food is a good thing, but it requires quite a lot of effort. And in the atmosphere of celebration and General joy, when cheerful music sounds around and champagne flows like a river, it is extremely difficult to keep yourself within. In addition, excitement in anticipation of the holiday can provoke severe stress, which will result in a functional disorder of the stomach.
The most common functional disorder is irritable bowel syndrome, for which stress or unusual food becomes a trigger.
For anybody not a secret that the nervous system-the conductor of the human body, it controls the proper operation of organs and conducting systems. Stress or other adverse external factors activate the release of chemicals, which leads to changes in the Central and peripheral nervous system. It becomes a cause of uncoordinated connection brain — gut. As a result, the latter begins to react too sharply to changes, causing abdominal pain and stool disorders (diarrhea, constipation or alternation).
To holiday passed without hassle, you only need to adhere to simple rules of the table: choose the most comfortable for your body food!
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