Blueberries are still not widespread, but very promising culture. Its berries are a source of biologically active substances and vitamins, have anti-scurvy, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, tonic properties. They contain vitamins C, E, A, flavonoids, anthocyanins, trace elements — zinc, selenium, copper, manganese — as well as plant hormones phytoestrogens. The taste of blueberry fruit resembles a mixture of grapes and blueberries. Plant this beautiful shrub in your garden — and collect valuable berries.
Blueberries belong to the family Ericaceae. The main thing we know about the representatives of this “clan” is the love of acidic soil. About this addiction of our heroine, we will say below, and now let’s get to know her more closely. Blueberry is a deciduous shrub with a height of 0.7 to 2.5 m or higher. The most widespread varieties of tall blueberries, characterized by good winter hardiness. Some tolerate winter temperatures up to -27… – 30 ° C, but it is better for young plantings to provide shelter in the first years.
Blueberry varieties are divided into early-maturing, mid-maturing and late-maturing. It is better to choose the first two types for growing in the middle zone, the late-maturing ones simply do not have time to fully Mature in our climate.
Popular variety:
- ‘Boniface’;
- ‘Blue Crop’;
- ‘Bridgetta Blue’;
- ‘North Blue’;
- ‘Darrow’;
- ‘Goldtree’;
- ‘Spartan’;
- ‘Eliot’;
- ‘Toro’;
- ‘Chandler’;
- ‘Patriot’, etc.
Correct ground
Blueberries are a true centenarian. If it likes the conditions that are created at the landing site, it will grow and bear fruit for decades. What can we do to please this culture?
First-choose a well-lit and quiet place. Secondly-carefully prepare the landing place. Blueberries are planted in pre-prepared pits measuring 60×70×50 cm. Its main preference is peat-loam or peat-sand soil. For the cultivation of blueberries, light soils with a pH of 3.8-4.8 are suitable, the humus content in them should be at the level of 3.5%. At lower levels of acidity, plants show signs of a lack of nutrients. Soils with a pH of 5.0 are not suitable for growing blueberries at all.
The fact that your site does not have a corner with suitable land is not an obstacle. For the development of plants will be enough of the soil that you fill the landing place. For this purpose, a ready-made substrate created on the basis of top peat is suitable. In its composition, it contains a complex mineral fertilizer and agroperlite. This soil is analogous to natural soils where blueberries grow in the wild, and contains the necessary amount of macro-and microelements and humus. The substrate can also be used for rooting cuttings, as well as for further growing them in the container. By the way, the closest relatives of blueberries-cranberries, cranberries and blueberries – will also like this soil.
Planting and fertilizing
Place blueberries at a distance of 0.8-1.0 m in a row and about 1.2-1.5 m between rows, depending on the variety. Be sure to mulch the planting, because it is important for these bushes that the ground does not dry out at first in a new place. Excellent mulch conserves moisture in the soil. Throughout the season, the substrate humidity should be maintained at the level of 40-70%. Especially carefully monitor the soil moisture in the second half of summer. Lack of moisture has a negative effect on the growth, aging of berries and laying flower buds.
It is best to choose for planting seedlings with a closed root system, that is, in containers. Mass fruiting begins at the age of 6-7 years. Early — maturing varieties begin to Mature in the first half of July; mid-maturing-in the second half of July and early August; late-maturing-in August-September (but you remember that it is better not to plant them in the middle zone). They keep up unevenly. After harvesting, the soil is loosened to improve air exchange.
For normal growth and development, blueberries need periodic acidification of the soil and top dressing. You can carry out foliar fertilizing or apply fertilizers along with irrigation, which is convenient to use liquid means. Root top dressing is produced before budding, during their unfolding, flowering, during the ripening of berries.
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