Zucchini are famous for their useful properties and unpretentiousness. Nutritionists respect it for its low calorie content and a whole range of vitamins and organic acids. 100 g (3.5 oz) of the product contains only 27 calories!
Gardeners love this plant because it causes little trouble. Today I want to share with you some thoughts on how to properly plant and grow zucchini. I think you know how to eat it yourself.
Zucchini is an annual herbaceous vegetable plant belonging to the pumpkin family. Zucchini are green, yellow and white. Zucchini are light-loving and heat-loving, so they should be planted on the sunny side. Do not forget about this important feature: the more light this plant receives, the faster it will yield and the more abundant it will be.
Light sandy and loamy soils are considered favorable soil for zucchini. It is important that the soil is well warmed up throughout the entire period of growth of zucchini.
Planting zucchini
There are two options for planting zucchini: seedlings or seeds. The choice of planting method depends on how warm the climate is and how quickly you want to get your first crop. If you are not in a hurry with the harvest or you simply do not have room for seedlings, plant zucchini seeds directly in the soil. Before this, you should prepare the soil: make holes at a distance of about 70 cm (2.3 feet), fertilize them with compost or humus, and then plant the seeds. In about a month, they will bloom.
Many people wonder when to plant zucchini. The answer is simple: in late May-early June. Preferably not in the heat, but not in the cold, because if the temperature is below -2 ° C (28.4°F), the plant can die.
You may want to plant seedlings. In this case, you can do the following. A mixture of peat and humus is poured into the pots. Then pour a little water and stick the seeds to a depth of 2-3 cm (0.8-1.2 inches). Watering of seedlings is carried out every 10 days. Top Dressing of seedlings should be done 2 times at all times: when seedlings appear and after another 10 days.
When to plant zucchini on seedlings? 30-35 days before planting in the ground.
It is unlikely that the cultivation of zucchini will cause any difficulties. So, we planted zucchini in the ground, what’s next? Consider the main stages of caring for zucchini.
Soil loosening
Soil preparation is important for growing zucchini. It is necessary that the vegetable garden on which the zucchini grows is loose, well-passed heat and water. The frequency of loosening depends on what kind of soil is in your area. Some types of soil, such as loam, tend to harden, forming a crust on the surface. This soil should be loosened more often. Loosening can be combined with weeding.
Water the zucchini regularly, but not too often. Once every 10 days is enough. But you need to water abundantly, so you need about 1 liter of water per 1 m².
No less important is the water temperature. Cold water can contribute to the breakdown of the ovary. 10 days before the harvest, it is better to stop watering altogether to avoid damage to the fruit. Zucchini do not tolerate high humidity, so if you grow them under a film, it is advisable to ventilate the greenhouse from time to time.
Top dressing
For top dressing, you can use mullein extract or special fertilizers. Top Dressing is carried out at least 2 times: when the plant blooms, and when the fruits grow. This allows you to increase the yield at times.
It is believed that to improve pollination, it is necessary to spread the leaves of zucchini from time to time to allow insects access to the flowers. But usually insects do it themselves. In some cases, pollination is done manually.
Different varieties of zucchini reach maturity at different times. Zucchini storage usually lasts longer than others. Within 20 days after flowering, you can harvest the first crop.
It is extremely important not to let the zucchini outgrow, as in this case, their consumer properties are lost. When can zucchini be considered ripe? If the skin of the zucchini is hard to the touch, and when tapping you hear a dull sound, then it’s time to cut it off. Mature zucchini can be stored in the basement for about 4-5 months.
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