We will talk about how to plant rubus idaeus in our garden, how to grow rubus idaeus and care for it. Rubus idaeus belongs to the Rosaceae family. It is an erect shrub with small thorns. The color of the fruits of rubus idaeus can vary from light pink to almost black (blackberry-like raspberry varieties), and there is yellow rubus idaeus. After planting in the second year there will be sprigs on which the fruits will grow.
Landing Rubus idaeus
If you have already planted shrubs, planting raspberries does not take much trouble. Raspberry is better to plant on neutral or slightly acid soils. It is necessary to take her sunny place with isolation from strong winds, and in winter – with good snow cover. Make sure that the predecessors of raspberries are not similar to her plants in the diseases (tomatoes, strawberries, potatoes).
Rubus idaeus is planted in spring and autumn, green cuttings in summer. Prepare the soil for planting in advance, with the autumn planting somewhere for a month. In the spring, prepare a place for planting in the fall (hole, trench). If you did not have time, then in the spring, somewhere for 2-3 weeks, before you plan to plant.
Rubus idaeus can be grown as separate bushes (about 10 stalks are left on the bush) and in a row. In the first case, the raspberry is planted in separate holes, in the second – in the trench.
Planting individual bushes
To plant in the pits, make holes about 40 cm by 50 cm (the same size as the trench), fill the planting mixture with a bit of a mound, moisten the roots in a nutrient solution of mullein or a land solution of the planting mixture. Dip the roots of the plant in the hole, sprinkle it with a fertile layer of earth.
Take a distance between bushes of about 1 m, and between rows – about 2 m. The root neck should be several centimeters higher than the level of the soil, so that with full shrinkage of the soil after watering it will be at ground level. It is impossible to dig deep too, it can lead to decay of the root kidney, but a high landing for rubus idaeus is undesirable.
Trench landing
For trenching rubus idaeus, you will need to dig a trench about 45 cm deep and about 50 cm wide. The number of trenches is equal to the number of rubus idaeus rows. The distance between the rows is taken about 1 m, and between plants – about 40 cm.
The trench is filled with nutritious planting mixture. It should consist of rotted manure, fertile topsoil and mineral fertilizers, double superphosphate will fit perfectly.
Overfilled manure or compost can be added to the bottom of a trench with a layer of 15 cm, after which mineral fertilizers and soil, and all components can be mixed. Nitrogen fertilizers do not add when planting – raspberries will root badly, but a little ash does not hurt at all.
After planting, water the seedlings, then grumble the soil with humus, peat, or dry earth in case of emergency. But if the earth is well moistened (rain), excess watering is not needed. If the buds on the seedling are well developed, cut it, leaving 30 cm.
Rubus idaeus care
Rubus idaeus loves watering very much, but not the bay so that the roots get enough nourishment, but not sour. In spring and summer, the bush bush idaeus especially needs to be saturated with water.
Pruning rubus idaeus is needed to shorten fruitful shoots, remove thickening and unnecessary root growth. Fruiting shoots after planting are usually pruned somewhere in the spring by 20 cm.
From the second year, shoots are shortened every year, either after harvest or in spring. After winter, shoots are pruned to a strong bud (about 10 cm). Cut the escape at the very base.
Loosening the soil, removing weeds
In order not to dig up the soil often, the aisle can be mulched – cover it with straw, peat.
Bending down the raspberry bushes for the winter
Many varieties of rubus idaeus bend over the winter so that the frost does not damage the shoots, for this, tilt the bushes to each other and tie them.
To prevent the shoots from breaking under the weight of the fruits, they are tied up. The most common fan method is that you need to drive two sticks between the bushes, and part of the shoots of one bush and part of the neighboring shoots are tied to them at different heights.
When planting rubus idaeus with a trench method, a trellis garter is best suited, this is when several rows of wire are tied to the hammered pillars, retreating from the center by 35 cm, so that the shoots are in the aisle slightly tilted, and the shoots of ibud idaeus.
While the seedling is small, it is tied up to one row of wire, as the number of rows of wire grows.
For the best harvest in autumn, fertilize rubus idaeus with organic and mineral fertilizers, wood ash.
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