How To Plant And Care For Rutabaga

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Rutabaga is a biennial plant. In the first year of sowing, it grows leaves and develops a root crop, and in the second year it blooms and forms seeds. The shape of the root crops, depending on the variety, is round, round, flat-round, cylindrical.

The flesh of rutabaga is dense, in various shades of yellow or white. The root crops are large, rising above the soil. Their lower part is always yellowish, and the upper part can be dark green or purple-reddish.

How To Plant And Care For Rutabaga

Rutabaga is a fairly cold-resistant plant: its seeds begin to germinate as early as 1 year … 3 °C (37.4°F), seedlings can withstand up to -3 °C (26.6°F), adult plants up to -5 °C (23°F), and plants with seeds up to -8 °C (17.6°F). For the growth of the root, 16 is enough … 20 °C (60.8-68°F).

Sowing rutabaga

Rutabaga can grow on both neutral and acidic soils. For this crop, light, fertile loams, sandy loams, and even peatlands are preferred; if cultivated, they will do. The soil should retain moisture well, but without stagnation of water, otherwise there will be trouble with the crop. Therefore, sandy and clay soils, as well as areas with a close occurrence of groundwater, are not suitable for growing Swede.

How To Plant And Care For Rutabaga

Do not sow rutabaga after closely related plants (cabbage, turnips, radishes, and so on). But the predecessors in the form of legumes, nightshade, pumpkin are perfect.

This crop loves manure, so it contributed to the autumn digging. However, it should not be convenient for maturation, so as not to become porous and dry. You can add phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, lime or dolomite flour, wood ash.

Sowing rutabaga directly on the ground

Beds for rutabaga are formed in advance (in autumn). In early May, you can sow to a depth of about 2.5 cm (1 in), the distance between the rows is about 45 cm (1.5 ft). Thickened shoots are thinned, leaving about 4 cm (1.6 in) between the plants. When the seedlings have 4 real leaves, re-thinning is necessary so that the distance between the plants is about 15 cm (5.9 in).

Planting rutabaga seedlings

The temperature is basically the same as for cabbage. Seeds are sown to a depth of about 1.5 cm (0.6 in) in a container filled with a soil mixture. When the seedling has a third real leaf, it can be planted.

Rutabaga care

Top Dressing: the first top dressing is carried out with slurry 14 days after transplanting into the ground, the second-with mineral fertilizer, when the root crop begins to form.

How To Plant And Care For Rutabaga

Watering. Rutabaga loves water. It should be watered at the rate of 10 liters per 1 m2. If there is not enough moisture, you risk getting a hard and bitter root crop that quickly begins to bloom.

Application rutabaga

I will not list all the vitamins and minerals contained in rutabaga, believe me, there are plenty of them. In addition, rutabaga improves the work of the intestines, has a diuretic effect, which is good for vascular and kidney diseases.

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