Let’s talk about this. Can feces be used as fertilizer for a greenhouse? Who will give us feces? Dogs, cats, cows, pigs… all Pets. A man gives himself.
Question number one. What kind of faeces are people happy? Cattle manure. But never fresh manure under the root vegetable gardener will not put. If you did the warm manure beds for growing cucumbers, the seeds themselves are still in the fertile soil you sow. Don’t hurry to use, a few years waiting for the manure will not decompose. Therefore, the final product is called humus. Rotting manure in large piles.
Question number two. Has anyone seen moose and hares piling their waste in piles in the woods? Hardly. After a good bad weather, even accidentally see the feces of forest animals will not work, all will wash the rain jets. There are no rotting processes in nature. So, in the manure are not formed is detrimental to the soil substances.
Question number three. Gardeners rejoice when cats for the toilet needs tear apart just planted beds? No, not happy. Though I understand what harm is the cat’s intervention will bring. Big deal, seeds instead the flat line will lie curve trail. Bother another cat feces.
Question number four. Who collects the feces of dogs and places them in the beds or in the greenhouse for fertilizer? What a stupid question! Because everyone knows that apart from aesthetic needs, human need clean, not polluted by soil parasites. Laboratory examination of feces shows that they contain eggs and larvae of helminths. Among them there are those who are called geohelminths. That is, parasites whose eggs ripen and live in the soil.
What parasites infect the soil Pets and people
People will share the eggs of Ascaris and Giardia cysts, eggs of the whipworm, which likes to live in a blind process of the Appendix. Pigs and pig Ascaris, dogs and cats – Toxocara, Echinococcus. As we all don’t like it when in the sandbox, someone has celebrated his need!
How do you feel about this fertilizer for a greenhouse? Not going to tell you what it looks like Ascaris, everyone knows that. I’ll tell you what it does in the body. It just seems that once in the intestines, she fell into a lethargic sleep and sleep until you die of old age.
Roundworm eggs enter the human being from unwashed or poorly washed vegetables, berries and fruits. Remember what a delicious strawberry from the garden! And the first carrot? Love it, love to wipe it off the edge of a work robe or t-shirt and send it to your mouth.
Along with the berry gardener swallows a roundworm egg. In the small intestine, the larva hatches from the egg, bites the wall of the nearest capillary and crawls into it. And there the flow of blood will help it move on all authorities and tissues, she as if on cruise ship around the world travels. At the same time eats: for lunch she needs a red blood cell, and for dinner — a white blood cell. And is growing, rapidly expands in size. Grows so fast that small vessels are bursting in its path to get into larger ones.
And then diligently approaching the pharynx: there she again chews holes in the vessels and with saliva or food is again in the intestine. Now, the Ascaris will grow into an adult worm, which wants to produce offspring. It feces leave the owner and settled in the ground or the outhouse. Wait for a new host.
All in all Ascaris allocates no more than a month. From eggs, the larvae will be released in 3 hours. Not all of them will be in the intestine, and some will remain in the tissues and organs in the form of capsules.
Do not think that the process is imperceptible to humans. Even as much! These are allergies, bronchitis with sputum and cough, and the images show dark spots in the form of clouds. Doctors diagnose them as pneumonia. When the larvae drill through the walls of the vessels in the pharynx, then determine the doctor angina. To recognize the parasite at this time is very difficult. This can be done only on the first isolated eggs, which are found in Calais days that way through eighty. Who after angina or pneumonia 2.5 months passes such an analysis?
Considering that fecal matter is a high – quality fertiliser for greenhouses and garden beds themselves give of the disease. And then start chronic diseases: increases and it hurts the liver, possible epileptic seizures, convulsions, asthma attacks, food allergies, even anaphylactic shock.
Giardia — a tiny, but to live in the body, these babies can billions. There is a modern method of blood testing – dark-field microscopy. In short and simple terms, a drop of blood is examined not only by the laboratory assistant in the microscope eyepiece, but by the doctor and the patient together on the screen. Giardia is similar to the triangle a beautiful dark turquoise color with tails. Very bouncy triangle with your finger on the screen to catch it.
Today ate people 10 cysts, and tomorrow he’s on every square centimeter of the intestinal villi’s been a million of these babies. They also eat and defecate, like carbohydrates, because people with giardiasis, all sweet tooth. They will live without meat and won’t even remember it. They have only rolls, buns, candies, chocolates, cookies, sweet tea, compote, sweet porridge on the menu.
And all together leads to dyskinesia of the biliary tract, allergies, bronchial asthma, gastritis, cholecystitis, dysbiosis. And to irritability, tearfulness, irritability and distraction.
During the day, the person with giardiasis, throws himself from a billion Giardia cysts. It’s the same Giardia, only without tails. They are well protected by the shell. So well, that can in water, soil, feces to live very long, several months.They are patient, they will wait when the gardener decides to help the soil and will fertilize it with feces from a street toilet.
It doesn’t matter where he runs the experiment. Experimental animals will only be happy, because they help to settle the wind that lifts the dust from the soil and carries it over long distances. And then she settles on berries, leafy vegetables. Flies that sit on the ground, in the beds, whatever, bring Giardia in the house, summer kitchen, served them right to the table, it is only these flies to crawl on the plates.
Precautionary measures
As usual clean carrots for food? Washed, scraped and washed again. With the remaining particles of the soil, which is not visible to the eye, ate the Ascaris. And you need a wire brush to clean, then rinse in clean water, then clean, like a potato, removing the top layer of root, then again washed under running water and at the end pour over boiling water. ! Rinse the berries under running water and then soak in a solution of salt or vinegar, then rinse again under the tap.
How are we doing? Berry with a Bush, and carrots in a barrel rinse, which can be up to 10,000 eggs Ascaris in each liter of water. Maybe you should do easier and not fertilize the soil in the greenhouse and on the beds with any faeces? Why be an enemy to yourself?
For greenhouses there are other fertilizers created by nature. Just look around what it does to improve soil fertility. She didn’t waste none of last year’s grass, not a single fallen leaf. All in deal would send.
And people for beauty fallen leaves will collect and burn. To avoid harmful insects. But at the same time harmful and useful destroy. Not only create the wrong substances, and will burn the fire that is not immediately will start to grow grass. And all because the leaves will burn and even soil inhabitants.
A vicious circle: trying to recycle your own waste, we harm ourselves. We destroy the soil fertility in the garden and in the greenhouse. And then read recommendations that the soil in the closed ground should be changed. Still would not to change!
Sometimes we are interested to know how to save the plants in the greenhouse from diseases, and how the disease itself from the same greenhouse or garden beds do not earn, do not want to know. I hope that I told you in detail why you can not use any faeces to fertilize the soil in the garden, vegetable garden, greenhouse, and you are convinced not to do so.
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