What do people believe in? In God, in good, in the future, in palmistry, in astrology, in omens, and even in many things believe. Oddly enough, but in our time, the belief in the tradition of “vulgar antiquities” is becoming more and more common. Fortune tellers, magicians, and witches filled the pages of newspapers, magazines, and television screens. It would seem that there should be Universal well-being, if all of them give a 100% guarantee! But there is no such thing as prosperity. As there are no generous annual harvests on the homesteads of our gardeners, who diligently and scrupulously follow all the tips of countless lunar calendars (farmers, gardeners, vegetable growers and others).
What could be easier? I took the calendar, hung it in a prominent place, did everything I had planned, and prepared bags, pots, and purses. I have long been interested in why many gardeners from year to year with the persistence of maniacs continue to follow “bad advice” – I do not find any explanation for this.
I tried to understand, talked to people, read. And I found interesting things: there were no scientific experiments that would reliably show the influence of the phases of the Moon on plant life. A few years ago, in the journal “Science and Life”, the most authoritative expert, professor, in an article “On the lunar Command” explained the complete groundlessness of the “lunar calendars of gardeners”.
Have you noticed that the calendars of different publishers often contradict each other? But the Earth has one Moon. But you are advised to do weeding in the freezing rain, forbidding you to work on dry, warm days. You sowed the seeds on the “right” day, and then the cold, bad weather – and they died.
Not only this professor, but also many other specialists with whom I spoke, believe that all work in the garden should focus on the stages of plant development, the weather, and not on the lunar phases. This is often said by competent agronomists.
But sober voices drown in the ocean of legends and speculation. The Internet is full of discussions of the problem at the level of “they say, I think it seems to have helped”. I’m not even talking about the alleged “experts” who talk about a huge increase in the harvest, about the wonders of rooting the indomitable and flowering the non-flowering.
There is no statistical processing of experiments anywhere that would require even a student’s course work, and there were no experiments themselves. From a scientific point of view, all this is talk in the kitchen. Think about it: you, for example, are not recommended to plant “most crops, except climbing”, until 17 hours 11 minutes or 13 hours 18 minutes. So what is the majority? And if you plant it at 17.00-all at once will bend? Don’t you think it’s funny?
I will tell you a case that well demonstrates the true price of “moon magic”. A long time ago, even before the mass epidemic of “moon worship”, a neighbor read about the planting of cucumbers, which she failed, at “the right time”. He was happy to tell me then that it was all right — cucumbers made from fruitless flowers are well tied. I conducted the interrogation with passion. It turned out that she used to sow fresh seeds of old varieties that are prone to the formation of male flowers. And “on the moon” planted a new parthenocarpic hybrid with female-type flowers. Whose credit was it? Lunar calendar!
Another example is my tomatoes. I love these plants very much, I consider them not only delicious, but also beautiful, I have been planting for a long time, I have tried many varieties. And one day in the spring, when he heard again that “there is no need to sow today”, he planted tomatoes for the “principle” on forbidden days. And now I do it regularly. To be honest, my crops are excellent both in the greenhouse and in the open ground. I sowed, as it should be: “experience of control”, at different times. No effect on the timing of sowing seedlings does not have. My “wrong” tomatoes are always better than the ” lunar calendar ” of others.
So what is the reason for the craze for lunar calendars? Perhaps, in the turmoil of everyday life, many people simply forget about what needs to be done, about the timing of planting, sowing, tying them to the weather, and do not really want to do it. I want everything to be simple — as they say, “a garden without worries”. And then you don’t have to plan and think anything – you open the calendar, chew everything and put it in your mouth.
“And I don’t want it out of calculation, but I want it out of love, out of love…” You, they tell me, are a Capricorn, so don’t believe it, you stubborn one. Yes. I do not believe. In pseudoscience, quackery, fashion trends. I believe in skilled hands, knowledge, and a love of the land.
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