Not every gardener has a place and means to create a full-fledged garden pond. In this case, a mini pond on the balcony or terrace will be a great alternative. We will tell you how to create your little oasis and what to pay special attention to.
Materials and tools
In addition to a wooden tub you will need:
- aquatic plant
- durable film
- lattice pots
- the substrate for pond
- gravel
- double sided tape
- construction stapler
- sharp knife
- hand spatula
- bricks
- watering can
The order of execution of works
1. Double-sided tape, glued inside the tub on its perimeter, will help to fix the film. To keep it well, pre-walk on the wood with sandpaper.
2. Line the container with a strong film so that it fits tightly to the walls and bottom and forms as few folds as possible. On the edge of the tub, glue the film to the tape.
3. With a sharp knife, cut off the excess film protruding over the edge of the container. In the photo, we cut it even a little below the edge of the tub.
4. Then attach the edge of the film to the walls of the tub with a construction stapler. Smooth the creases well.
5. Pour water, ideally, rain (it is better suited to plants).
6. For planting, you should use special lattice baskets made of plastic, as well as a substrate designed for aquatic plants – it fully meets the needs of flora and inhibits the growth of algae in the water.
7. Among the water lilies, it is necessary to choose only those varietal plants that are content with a small depth of the mini-pond, for example ‘Pygmaea Rubra’ (red, pictured) ‘Helvola’ (yellow) or ‘Walter Pagels’ (white).
8. A layer of gravel on top of the substrate is necessary to ensure that the latter is not washed away when watering and does not surface when the baskets need to be immersed in water.
9. For mini-tubs should also choose compact plants. In our case, we combined Lobelia cardinalis, Alisma plantago-aquatica and Iris laevigata.
10. Basket with planted plants after watering can be put in a bucket.
11. To baskets were at the right height, under them you can put bricks. While a large container with “Pets” should always remain below the surface of the water, the stand under the water Lily should be removed when it begins active growth of leaves with their long petioles.
12. Hornwort is an excellent assistant in water purification, it as an underwater plant can be put in a basket right at the bottom of the tub.
13. The last to dip into the water are floating plants such as Pistia (pictured) or Eichhornia crassipes.
Mini pond is ready!
The best options of mini-ponds
Natural style
In a wooden tub organic look of the plants easier. In our example it is pink-red Lythrum salicaria, white Eriophorum angustifolium and Typha minima with brown cob-like inflorescences. The white-flowered Hydrocharis morsus-ranae floats on the water.
Romantic style
Plants with color matching flowers are ideal candidates for a round ceramic container. Next to the pink Butomus umbellatus flaunts blue-purple Irislaevigata. Before them creep Nymphaea and Myosotis palustris.
Modern style
In this mini-pond, the main emphasis is placed on a rectangular container made of anthracite-colored plastic, where the refined Equisetum hyemale var is located. robustum and green Salvinianatans. A good alternative to this Duo are aquatic plants with a slender silhouette: Juncus inflexus and Schoenoplectus.
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