We will focus on the very notorious “chemistry”, which should be used very carefully, knowledgeably, observing the concentration of solutions, the sequence and multiplicity of treatments, measures of personal protection. At the same time, one should not rely too much on such remedies for treating plants, because their use is not indifferent to the health of all the inhabitants of the garden – not only people, but also dogs, cats, frogs, birds and insects.
No matter how manufacturers may persuade us that the drugs are absolutely safe, chemical remedies should be used only as a last resort, when nothing else helps. First, you should try to cope with the disease with the help of traditional means, do without chemistry.
No matter what advertising promises, there is no such thing as harmless chemistry. When choosing it is better to use modern drugs that belong to the 3rd or 4th class of danger, the inscription must be on the package. And they certainly try to alternate. In the spring you should make a plan of actions for priority treatments, in a special diary to write down what dates and what drugs were used, when the term of their action. This schedule will help you easily keep the situation with diseases under constant control.
Varieties of drugs
Chemical means of disease control are contact, system and contact-system. Each type has its own application features, has advantages and disadvantages. It is important to know them and correctly and timely use the drug, the most appropriate situation.
Contact “medicines” have an important advantage, which is that plants do not get used to them. The active substance does not penetrate into tissues, and protects only superficially. The most well – known and long-used contact fungicides are copper salts and their derivatives, primarily copper chloroxide. The active period is 14 days. In the case of Phlox, this solution is sprayed on the ground until sprouts appear.
A relatively new group, contact fungicides are strobilurin. They disrupt the life of fungi, effective against false and real powdery mildew, Septoria and rust. They are particularly effective in the early stages of infection, protecting plants up to 6 weeks. But they also have a significant drawback: when spraying the soil, all fungi are destroyed-both harmful and useful. Therefore, contact means should be treated plants exclusively on the leaves and no more than 1-2 times per season at intervals of 2 weeks.
System and contact-system
Systemic fungicides penetrate plant tissues and inhibit the development of pathogens. They are able to have a therapeutic effect in the early stages of infection, the term of protective action-up to 3 weeks. However, pathogens become resistant to them very quickly, so systemic drugs do not make sense to apply more than 2 times per season. If phytopathogens have already formed spores, the effect of systemic fungicides is sharply reduced — it is necessary to apply means of another class.
By the way, since the funds must certainly be changed, pay attention to the name of the active substance.
Biological method
Now in the garden practice are increasingly introduced modern tools, the action of which is based on the use of microbiological method – when used strains of bacteria that destroy pathogens.
The fundamental difference between these drugs is that they are used preventively, for prevention, spraying plants 2-3 times a season, without waiting for the disease to manifest itself. All of them are well resists powdery mildew, have 4 hazard class, duration of action up to 4 weeks.
Most biological products become harmless to humans within a few days after use. That is why funds from this group are often chosen for processing not only ornamental plants, but also fruit crops.
How to apply
The correct scheme of Phlox protection using modern microbiological agents is as follows:
- disinfection of planting material;
- spring tillage before planting;
- 3-4 vegetative treatments, alternating complexes with an interval of 25-30 days.
In General, pest and disease control should take an integrated, integrated approach. Will correct using reasonably modern chemical drugs, and biological and microbiological of “weapons”, constantly changing products and methods of struggle. This is really necessary, since insects and pathogens have great adaptive abilities, they get used to the same drugs and stop reacting to them.
The key importance remains for the correct agricultural technology. If a plant receives necessary nutrition, is in comfortable environmental conditions, is growing strong and healthy, then him much easier resist curiously misfortunes.
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