Every year the range of flower annuals is replenished with all new and new types, grades. Breeders tirelessly working to create something unusual, extravagant, that we initially perceive as exotic.
In the meantime, I want to introduce you to rare in the culture of annuals and varieties whose flowers boast an unusual color. In addition to white and green-flowered plants, before you appear real plant rarities that just come out on the garden podium. So, meet!
They are interesting in spite of the fact that they are very similar to their failed relative – Amaranthus retroflexus, which “grew” only to the status of a weed plant. Due to the exotic appearance, the tallest green amaranth can even become accent plants in flower beds.
On perform well (from smaller to greater) they were distributed here is so:
- A. cruentus, syn. A. paniculatus ‘Gruene Fackel’ –of a height of 30-35 cm;
- A. hypochondriacus ‘Green Thunb’ – 40 cm;
- A. caudatus ‘Grunschwanz’ – 75 cm.
Amaranthus – an Amateur-aesthete, but country songs with them just will not seem boring and uninteresting. By autumn, the inflorescences tend to fade to cream. Suitable for dry compositions.
We are used to the fact that they are long and tirelessly bloom all summer in our villas. But recently, the ranks of the long-familiar yellow, orange, red Tagetes replenished amazing varieties with white and green inflorescences.
- Tagétes erécta sort of ‘Kilimanjaro’ – reach a height of about 70 cm;
- Tagétes ‘Aztec lime green F1’ – grow to 45 cm, do not give seeds, bloom for a long time.
Calendula officinalis
Loved by generations of vacationers for its ruggedness and very long blooming – until the strong autumn frosts. Cream, yellow, orange, two-color varieties of this inconspicuous beauty have long chosen suburban flower beds. But the white and green (with a green center) certainly can not only become their worthy decoration, but also to surprise your friends and acquaintances.
Cosmos bipinnatus
Before without him there was not one of the village flower beds. Tall, with delicate openwork leaves and many delicate baskets (usually simple) white, pink, purple, and he is now everywhere to the place.
Not so long ago there was an interesting sort of space:
- ‘Double Click’ – height 100-120 cm, with white double flowers.
Next to it – the object of desire of many of our summer residents-C. atrosanguineus height of 75 cm.
Molucella laevis
It is so self-sufficient that it will not get lost among other green-flowered annuals. This interesting representative of my favorite Lamiaceae comes from the Caucasus, Turkey, Syria, Iraq. Height 60-90 cm and width up to 23 cm Exotic fragrant flowering lasts from July to September inclusive.
Secrets of cultivation: seedlings are sown in March-April. In the open ground grown, strengthened and hardened seedlings are planted from mid-may. It is more decorative in Sunny places with loose fertile soils. Watering in hot, dry summer is mandatory. Responsive to frequent regular feeding at intervals of 2 weeks.
Among them there are interesting species with white bracts: first of all, it is Euphorbia hybrida height 20-30 cm – a novelty of the last decade.
Interesting and temporarily forgotten, but now regaining its former glory E. marginata up to 80 cm.
Nigеlla satīva
Honestly I confess: this Nigella for me opening the. White, pink, lilac, blue I perceived and always perceive with some nostalgia for my childhood, my father’s home. In my mother’s front garden she always grew, annually giving numerous offspring.
I do not think that she has other requirements for cultivation and care than the most ordinary Nigella.
Ratibida columnifera
A novelty that has already captivated gardeners, especially fans of Rudbeckia, which it looks like.
Ratibida columnifera ‘Yellow Cheyenne’ up to 60 cm and Ratibida pinnata ‘Grey Headed’ up to 120 cm will reign in the now fashionable Prairie gardens, competing with Echinacea.
Secrets of cultivation. Ratibida is extremely unpretentious and does not require special care: if you pay it at least a little attention, it will answer you with a more spectacular flowering. Avoid waterlogged dense soils, but in hot and dry summers water necessarily.
Lotus tetragonolobus
The uniqueness of this annual give pedicels unusual shape.
Due to the exotic plant has found its place not only as a vegetable, but also as a decorative culture, chosen Sunny flower beds with good fertile soils. It can be used as a border annual: asparagus peas reach a height of 40 cm.
Nicotiana alata
Among the green-flowered annuals, it has long and firmly occupied its niche, which deserved not only lime color, but also a wonderful aroma. It is up to 75 cm high.
Torenia fournieri
Today Torenia with a rich palette of colors peculiar flowers at the Zenith of glory. Interesting variety ‘Glow Lemon Drops’ height 20-25 cm, white flowers, with bright yellow spots on the petals.
She is good in the foreground of flower beds, in free groups, which adhere to the distance between plants 10 cm. in addition, it is grown in containers; used in basket culture.
Secrets of cultivation: seedlings are sown in late February or early March, in the open ground hardened seedlings are planted in mid – June, in the South-in the beginning. Summer favorite varieties can be cut. Torenia is delicate and capricious: it has very sensitive leaves that require a slightly shaded and protected from the winds of the place. Moreover, it is desirable to protect even from heavy rains. Responsive to regular feeding (interval – 2 weeks), watering. For greater bushiness should pinch the tops of shoots. And do not forget to remove faded flowers in a timely manner.
Zinnia elegans
Zinnia elegans long and firmly entered our country life. From high they gradually transformed into low, with small, more elegant baskets. Green varieties, which appeared not so long ago, are very similar to chrysanthemums. Interesting variety ‘Queen Lime’ height 75 cm.
And what an unusual flower annuals are grown on their dacha?
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