Carnations-exclusively motley kind in relation to biology: and where horrible live, and as much as they want. Here is the flower revolution-Dianthus caryophyllus, was grown even before the birth of Christ. She has several garden groups corresponding to her various biological trends. There are garden the Grenadines, prone to perennial that overwinter in the countries with warm climate there are annual Dwarf for pots, finally, the ever-blooming greenhouse Chabot – those that the Bureau party meeting, in a coffin – a true “companion alarms”. Even though they can be related to a funny story.
Clear perennials among carnations are numerous. Favorite D. deltoides: flowers – a trifle, but still single, but impresses them with a generous scattering of green Mat of numerous non-flowering shoots. In addition, it blooms for the second time in late summer after cutting. Colors – wild pink to crimson and white, with and without rings.
If you search through the meadows, except for her, there is not uncommon creeping D. fischeri-more powerful plant with leafy stems, but without a rug. Its crimson flowers — up to 2 cm in diameter with a speckled center-sit 1-2 in loose apical inflorescences. To the South, there is a D. versicolor, which is characterized by a narrower Cup. Where there are pine trees and sand, you can find bundles of needle leaves, of which stick thin stems with a dense pack of flowers at the top – it’s D. borbasii. There lives and D. arenarius, which forms dense gray turf from vegetative shoots with short subulate leaves.
Stems up to 20 cm tall with rare and short paired leaves are several white fragrant flowers. The edges of the petals are heavily incised like a fringe. The most elegant carnation is the D. Superbus, whose large pale pink and fragrant flowers are cut to the extreme, although the figure is pumped up–a loose shrub of semi – decaying shoots, both flowering and shortened with dull soft linear leaves.
Visiting carnations in their natural habitats can be useful for those who wish to see them in their garden. Here, anyone can pay attention to the fact that most of them prefer light, dry and sandy areas with good drainage: the outputs of stones, limestone, dry land, southern meadow slopes. Perhaps only such a garden authority as the Turkish tolerate some shading, approves watering and generous feeding. The rest better look at the Spartan contents – go to the colour, not the tops. Dry and warm location helps to prolong the life of short-lived species. They fall out in the winter for the most part because of exposures to which with age become especially sensitive.
But let’s turn to the market. In addition to easily recognizable Turkish cloves, preference is given to low compact plants-cushions for rock gardens or well-groomed flower beds. Not in demand, for example, tall and lanky D. knappii – a chicken with yellow flowers. Of course, unusual, but too small flowers and long stems. Carnations-pads come, as a rule, from the mountains of southern and Central Europe. Many of them are cultivated under certain names, but it is often not possible to establish how legally they use them — the species differences are painfully lost in the process of cultivation and are already insignificant.
D. alpinus forms a low dense flowers vegetative shortened shoots with narrow and shiny leaves of pure green color. The flowers are single, bright pink with white craps in the center, up to 3.5 cm in diameter, there are varieties of white with pink center.
D. gratianopolitanus – low, blue-gray, with narrow spiky leaves, single pink flowers up to 3 cm in diameter, fragrant. There are varieties more or less bright. In a similar to her D. Petraeus flowers are smaller, up to 2 cm in diameter and can be crowded into groups.
D. monspessulanus — something like lush but more straight, and less of the cut petals. D. Subacaulis is a low dense plant. Leaves shortened shoots long and narrow as needles, flowering shoots with small leaves make a pair of pink pale flowers about 1 cm in diameter. The most fragrant of cloves- D. plumarius. In a typical case, it is white or pale pink, which is very beautiful with blue leaves.
In General, this is a greatly increased version of sand cloves. Usually on sale are its hybrid varieties. Among them – the results of crossing with the Dutch repairman, United under the name of D. x allwoodii in honor of the breeder. These are compact gray plants, reaching 60 cm tall, but usually up to 30, with pink, red, white, yellow and salmon flowers with serrated petals, usually Terry. Bloom for a long time, sometimes all season, but not always fragrant. Adjacent to them and more complex hybrids, which are listed in the pedigree of the low mountain carnations, for example, Alpine in person. In principle, all these hybrids are perennial, but usually grown for 3-4 years, after which they are transferred or replaced with new plants.
In General, a number of garden carnations the number of years lived is determined rather than their biology, and cultivation techniques. Here D. barbatus — the inhabitant of village gardens, live freely, independently transplanted not maintain the purity of varieties – what happens, and beautiful.
Indeed, the variety of options is endless. Colors – from white to dark purple, the color is smooth, then two-color-with concentric circles and specks in the center. There are varieties with an overabundance of anthocyanin produced from the red-leaf variety (var. nigrescens), for example, chocolate with crimson stem and brownish leaf ‘Sooty’. According to the rules of agriculture is conducted as a two-year culture. This sometimes happens in old parks, where among the rare and light grass she lives on her own since time immemorial.
Or D. chinensis. It is conducted as an annual culture, although in principle it can overwinter. The only thing is that blooms in the second year is worse. The wild form has a small inflorescence of pink flowers with a red center and splayed lanceolate leaves. Varieties of this low — up to 20 cm — compact cloves, mostly produced from a variety of var. Heddewigii, have flowers simple and double, up to 5 cm in diameter, painted bright and varied. Its hybrids, decorated with wider flaps-inflorescences and bright green leaves, also cultivated as annuals. Representatives of this group are often offered in pots, where they belong.
The usual way of reproduction of carnations – seed. The problem will not arise. Sow in the spring in the ground, plants bloom in the second, and even in the first year, especially when grown through seedlings. But if you really want to keep your favorite colors of some sort, you have to resort to division or cuttings.
Attach a carnation in the flower garden-a simple matter, if only she liked it. Compact jackets are good all season even without flowers. High with long stems are visible only during flowering, and then are lost in the thick of more lush neighbors. Turkish-the most noticeable, after flowering spoils the view of their boxes, it will have to cut.
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