Especially useful to a woman are those plants that contain phytoestrogens in their composition. What is it? What they are useful where to look for them? Let’s see.
What are phytoestrogens
Phytoestrogens are special substances of plant origin, acting like female sex hormones (estrogen).
What do you mean “like”? These substances are not hormones, but they have the ability to restore the hormonal balance of women (as we remember, it is disturbed when the body stops producing estrogen during menopause — it is because of this and there are our many problems and ailments).
And phytoestrogens can positively affect the cardiovascular and nervous system, metabolism; they can reduce the risk of hypertension, osteoporosis and even help to avoid the appearance of some types of tumors. In short, very useful substances for ladies of Mature age.
Who benefits from phytoestrogens
Since these substances are similar in their action to female hormones, their benefit will be primarily appreciated by those who have a deficiency of “real” hormones in the body due to biological reasons — women during menopause.
Herbal remedies are mild and have no serious side effects — so often the choice of those who are faced with the problems of climax, falls on herbal medicine.
What plants contain phytoestrogens
The list is quite large, so let’s focus only on the most popular herbs, which contain phytoestrogens; learn about their properties and possible contraindications.
- Trifolium pratense (red)
Used for the treatment of atherosclerosis, gout, joint pain; slows down the aging of the body; acts as a restorative in physical and mental fatigue; used for the prevention of tumors. Contraindications: varicose veins and thrombophlebitis; stroke.
- LÃnum usitatÃssimum
The seed LÃnum usitatÃssimum has a strong antioxidant effect; removes excess cholesterol from the body; it is useful for obesity, disorders of fat metabolism; it is used in diseases of the stomach, chronic colitis and enterocolitis. Its use is contraindicated in hepatitis and cholecystitis.
- Glycyrrhiza glabra
Glycyrrhiza glabra root treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney and bladder diseases, colds and coughs; it improves immunity and helps to restore strength with the General weakness of the body. In China, the root Glycyrrhiza glabra is considered a means of preserving youth and prolonging life. Glycyrrhiza glabra is not recommended for hypertension, obesity, liver cirrhosis and allergies.
- Hop
Dried “cones” of hops are a real storehouse of medicinal properties. They have a beneficial effect on the skin and hair, calm the nervous system and save from insomnia, normalize metabolism, improve digestion, strengthen the heart and blood vessels, serve as a means of preventing certain types of tumors. Contraindications for the use of hops is not revealed, but should not exceed its dosage.
Of course, there are much more medicinal plants containing phytoestrogens — it would be difficult to list them in one publication.
How to use plants containing phytoestrogens
As you can see, for each of the plants there is a list of indications and contraindications. And still need to choose wisely and to procure the necessary herbs to make the desired mixture to make all the rules healing tinctures and decoctions… a Difficult task, agree. But only if all these conditions are met, you can get the desired result.
How to be? There are different options. Someone has the opportunity to collect medicinal plants and brew them yourself, and someone prefers to use ready-made drugs that contain plant extracts that help gently adjust the hormonal balance and relieve a woman from the symptoms of menopause. You choose, it’s important to understand that all of our problems in this difficult age, there are solutions.
Choose health from nature and enjoy life at any age!
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