They say potatoes are the second bread. At least in some countries. Because there are places on our planet where the tubers of this plant are not eaten or eaten very little.
How many potatoes do you eat per year? Probably something about a hundred kilograms (220.5 lb). And it’s documented. According to statistics, most potatoes are eaten in Belarus – 184.6 kilograms (407 lb) per person per year. But in Egypt, potatoes are consumed little, only 34.6 kilograms (76.3 lb) per person per year – probably because most of the grown potatoes are sent for sale.
A little more Egyptians – 48.9 kilograms (107.8 lb) of potatoes per person per year – are eaten by Australians. But not a resident of Melbourne (Australia) Andrew Taylor. In 2016, a thirty-six-year-old school teacher ate almost one and a half tons of potatoes. What for?
Food addict
Once, thinking about the fact that 152 kilograms (335 lb) of weight for a man of his age and build is unacceptably much, and feeling depressed from another unsuccessful attempt to lose weight, Andrew came to the conclusion that he is a food addict. That is, he has an addiction to food, as an alcoholic has an addiction to alcohol.
He decided that if it was an addiction, then it was necessary to get rid of it by the same method used to treat drug addicts – abstinence from what causes addiction. And since it is impossible to completely exclude food, it is necessary to limit it as much as possible.
And in order not to harm your health and stay full of energy for an active life, you need to choose the product that is most balanced in its composition – including the most complete set of essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
Potatoes – superfood
Andrew has a degree, so he approached the choice of his super product thoroughly, having studied its chemical composition and the needs of the human body. Chia seeds, Goji berries, acai or even spirulina – these names are known to those who adhere to a healthy eating style. Ordinary potatoes are not included in the list of popular superfoods (products with a high concentration of substances useful for the body). This is not considered a healthy diet at all – many observers try to exclude potato dishes from their diet, considering them too high in calories.
However, potato tubers contain eleven vitamins and an impressive list of trace elements – from calcium to rubidium. In the diet of potato eaters, it is the main supplier of potassium, because there is more of it in potatoes than in bananas. It also contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
“Do you know how many dishes you can cook with potatoes?”
That’s what the heroine of the old movie thought. Perhaps Andrew Taylor could agree with her. He is convinced that potatoes have gained notoriety among fans of healthy eating, because most prefer to fry them in a large amount of fat, pour cream or sprinkle with cheese.
Andrey learned how to cook a variety of potato dishes and even arrange potato parties, treating friends with low-calorie, delicious and varied. In addition to potatoes, he uses soy milk, seasonings, tomato sauce. The only drawback of this potato diet is the amount of potatoes: in order to meet the needs of the body, Andrey had to eat about four kilograms of potatoes a day. But the result was worth it: in a year he lost almost fifty kilograms, remaining cheerful and cheerful.
Andrew described his experience on his website (https://www.spudfit.com ). Perhaps this can be useful for many overweight people. However, those who are interested in the potato diet should consult with a nutritionist.
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