All Heather have a special, as they say “ericoid appearance”, a little reserved and very elegant. They stand out for their evergreen hard foliage, like a well-tanned skin, and during flowering amaze the imagination with a riot of color, richness of shades. They can completely transform any garden, bringing to it a special aura — both sophistication and solidity. Of course, the main party in this representation belongs to rhododendrons. They can be used both as tapeworms, and in a composition with other plants, as a part of rocky gardens and against various water devices. But in order that they corresponded to the status and didn’t dissolve among other garden plants, they need to be placed skillfully in an exposition of a garden.
We know that rhododendrons are useful to plant in the shade of tree crowns, but not every tree is suitable for this. Best of all, they will feel under the pines and larch, Rowan and hawthorn varietal, small-leaved maples, fruit and decorative stone. Especially good are small-fruited purple-leaved Apple trees, which create an amazingly beautiful background for rhododendrons, decorative throughout the year, do not get sick and do not suffer from freezing. And under such trees as birch, Linden, maple, spruce, elm and ash, which is too powerful or superficially located root system, rhododendrons will constantly suffer from desiccation.
Of shrubs the best backdrop for rhododendrons can become lilac and Philadelphus, various viburnum, spirea and barbarity, varietal Physocarpus, some Lonicera, Euonymus large. But it should be remembered that Euonymus still prefer a neutral or slightly alkaline substrate, so it is desirable to have them somewhat aside.
Heather not only naturally and effectively look with coniferous, but also interested in the neighborhood with them because of the General need for soil mycorrhiza. Therefore, mountain pines, a variety of junipers and arborvitae, dwarf spruce and Hemlock will be their best companions.
To embed in the Heather garden is stylistically suitable ferns and grasses, irises and daylilies, with a delicate, graceful, ornamental all season long foliage, hosts, astilby, plant. Best groundcover for Heather will be evergreen Pachysandra and periwinkle, as well as varietal dead-nettle and repucci.
It should, however, be remembered that rhododendrons should become the dominant culture in such a garden. In subjection to them other Heather, and all the other plants are intended only profitable for them to set off. Best of all, they look in groups on a neutral background – against the background of loose inert materials: gravel and other mineral crumbs (but not limestone), pine bark, tinted chips, and the above companions are better placed in some distance.
We must be careful, posting near simultaneously blooming with rhododendrons and peonies. Both grassy and tree-like peonies are so self-sufficient and magnificent that their close proximity will mutually weaken the overall impression. In addition, peonies, especially tree-like, prefer limed soil with an alkaline reaction, which is quite opposite to the needs of rhododendrons.
Passionate florist always faces a dilemma: to collect as many infinitely diverse varieties of your favorite plants, that is, a collection, or create a beautiful, harmonious garden. It is almost impossible to reconcile these two quite understandable desires, so we have to compromise with ourselves all the time.
The Golden rule — to create a beautiful composition should not try to collect on one patch as many different varieties, quite the contrary – it is better not to dazzle with color and be sure to take into account the varietal characteristics of the structure of the Bush and leaf apparatus. And the leaves of rhododendrons unusually diverse and decorative, so knowing the possibilities of a variety, you can create a composition that will be attractive not only during flowering, but all the rest of the time.
Rhododendrons unusually, I would say, piercing bright and varied, but speaking of color, we must remember that the cold and warm tones to mix undesirable. More attractive will look near rhododendrons pink, Carmine, purple color and a separate group — yellow, orange, red. Pink-purple and Golden-orange in the immediate vicinity look inharmonious. This recommendation is better to take on faith, because when your rhododendrons grow, and you will see that they are in bad harmony with each other, transplant them will be problematic.
The white color fits into the company to all others, so the rhododendrons with white blossoms can be planted between badly matching color varieties. White will, on the one hand, separate them, on the other — to coordinate, that is to reconcile. But the so-called white can be in itself very contrasting — due to the bright wide border or a large pattern on the upper petal. Remember, even one rhododendron Bush, successfully inscribed in the overall composition, will look better than thoughtlessly assembled group.
In General, Heather is not easy to link with the usual garden buttercups-flowers. So, if you decide to treat yourself to rhododendrons, you may have to reconsider the concept of placing plants in the garden and their range. But this, incidentally, is good. Garden — a living organism, it grows, Matures, there is more shadow, there is a need to revise its structure, to make some changes in the composition.
As they say, changing the form entails changing the content. Our tastes and preferences change. If earlier I arranged and even liked the motley “motley” carpet, then over time I want more harmonious and restrained color combinations, exquisite and elegant plants. In the company of his fellow rhododendrons — just one of those plants that could be called and refined, and elegant, and perfect. As you know, there is no limit to perfection.
So, having understood for yourself the vital needs of Heather, it will be easier for you to deal with the question of where, how and in what environment to plant them.
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