It is well known that vegetables can be harvested not only separately, but also by mixing them. In this collection of recipes you will learn how to do it best. Assorted vegetables, cucumbers with tomatoes, cucumbers in tomato juice, spicy assorted — all this can be done with your own hands and for your loved ones. Go for it!
1. Mixed vegetables
Ever need:
- 2.5 kg cucumbers,
- 2.5 kg cherry,
- 1.2 kg of squash.
For the marinade 1 liter of water:
- 25 ml vinegar 9%,
- 1 teaspoon salt,
- 1 teaspoon sugar,
- bay leaf,
- 3 peas of fragrant pepper,
- 3 clove buds.
- Cucumbers cut into. The vegetables and condiments to put in jars, pour boiling water for 3 minutes.
- Water drain, boil, add salt, sugar, vinegar.
- Banks pour the marinade, cover with lids and sterilize 15 minutes.
2. Tomatoes with gherkins
Ever need:
On 2 banks on 0,75 l:
- 800-900 g of tomatoes,
- 500 g g gherkins,
- 2 carrots,
- 1 tablespoon salt,
- 1 tablespoon sugar,
- 1 teaspoon vinegar,
- 2 umbrellas of dill seeds,
- 0.5 horseradish root,
- 4 currant leaves,
- 5-6 peas of sweet pepper,
- 3 clove buds,
- garlic.
- All vegetables carefully wash. Carrots peeled, cut into slices thickness of about 0.5 cm From each tomato cut for the base of the stalk a small indentation and put 1 peeled clove of garlic.
- Spices (dill seeds, currant leaves, pieces of purified horseradish, allspice, clove buds) pour boiling water and put on the bottom of the prepared jars.
- Then in a jar put layers of tomatoes, gherkins and slices of carrots. Boil water and pour vegetables in a jar for 5 minutes.
- Then drain the water again, cover the vegetables with boiling water for 5 minutes. Pour boiling water over the vegetables for the third time, add salt, sugar, vinegar. Roll up the cans, turn upside down, wrap a warm blanket until cool.
3. Cucumbers, canned in tomato
Ever need:
On 2 banks on 0,75 l:
- 1.3 kg of cucumbers,
- 1 kg of tomatoes,
- 1 sweet pepper,
- 0.5 hot pepper,
- 50 g sugar,
- 50-60 ml of vegetable oil,
- 1 tablespoon salt without top,
- 1 head of garlic,
- 0.5 tablespoons vinegar essence (70%).
- Vegetables wash, slightly dry. In tomatoes, remove the base of the stalk. Cut the fruits into 2-4 parts and pass through a meat grinder. Put on fire and cook for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
- Sweet and bitter pepper cut in half lengthwise, remove seeds and internal partitions. Halves of peppers skip through a meat grinder. Put the chopped peppers to the tomatoes, add sugar, salt, vegetable oil and cook for about 10 minutes.
- From cucumbers to cut the tips and tails, cut into slices. Garlic peel, chop. Cucumbers, garlic and vinegar add to the tomatoes and peppers, cook all together for about 3-5 minutes.
- Wash the jars with hot water and steam. Spread hot cucumbers in tomato mixture in sterilized jars, cover with boiled lids and roll.
4. Spicy platter without vinegar
Ever need:
For a 3 litre jar:
- 1 kg of medium cucumbers,
- 1.3 kg of medium tomatoes,
- 2 apples,
- 1 sweet yellow pepper,
- 1 bitter pepper,
- 5 cloves garlic.
For the brine:
- 2 tablespoons of salt without top,
- 3 tablespoons of sugar with the top of,
- 200 ml Apple juice without pulp from the package,
- 3 sprigs of parsley,
- 3 dill umbrellas,
- 3 Bay leaves,
- 7 grains of black pepper,
- 1,25 l of water.
- All vegetables and greens to wash it. Cucumbers soak in cold water for 3 hours. Peppers and apples clear from the seeds. Apples cut into slices, pepper — rings. Tomatoes are not cut. Bitter pepper cut into pieces. Garlic to clear. The water to boil.
- On bottom three-liter sterilized banks posting: cucumbers (vertically, columns), umbrellas fennel, parsley, pieces of bitter pepper, cloves garlic. On top of the apples, tomatoes, sweet pepper, slices of hot pepper. Fill the jar with boiling water to the brim. Cover with sterilized lid and leave for 20 minutes.
- Then the water from the jar to drain into the pan, bring to a boil. Pour into a jar, leave again for 20 minutes. Again drain the water into the pan. Pour 1 Cup of water. Add 200 ml of Apple juice, salt, sugar. Bring to a boil, pour into a jar and roll the lid.
- Roll up the cans, cover with a blanket, leave to cool.
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