SARS and flu are diseases familiar to anyone. Even if a person himself has never been ill with any of these diseases, then someone from the family or friends probably suffered from them.
Is there any way to prevent the development of influenza and SARS? What are the methods of prevention of these harmful diseases, and how to avoid complications?
SARS and the flu — what is it
SARS and influenza are a large group of diseases caused by viruses. They are transmitted by aerosol: a sick person enough to sneeze or cough, and even if he covers his mouth with a hand or a handkerchief, viral particles will still be in the environment.
These viral infections are characterized by the same clinical picture. Patients usually complain to the doctor about:
- a sense of malaise, General weakness;
- paroxysmal headache;
- fervescence;
- runny nose, which may be accompanied by sneezing attacks;
- cough;
- hoarseness of voice and sore throat.
The symptoms of all SARS and influenza are quite similar, but the differences are still due to the fact that these diseases are caused by different viruses. For example, influenza usually begins more acutely, and the temperature can rise above the level of 39ºC. For SARS is characterized by a smooth development,and the temperature rarely reaches even 38ºC.
Since the diseases have a viral nature, the methods of their prevention are very similar.
Basic rules of prevention without medication
SARS and influenza – diseases that are characterized by seasonality. Since the source of infection is sick people, the easiest way to prevent the disease is to avoid crowded places. However, this can not always be done.
If the option to abandon contact with a large number of people during seasonal epidemics is not even considered, it is recommended to focus on strengthening the immune system of the body. If the immune system is able to resist infection, the disease simply will not develop.
Strengthen the immune system and block the way to viruses can be using a set of available measures:
- regularly ventilate the room, not allowing air to stagnate;
- to ensure that items of public use has been treated hygienic solutions;
- wash hands thoroughly after visiting streets and public places;
- regularly carry out wet cleaning of the room;
- control the humidity in the room, using a special device;
- lead a healthy lifestyle (eat right, provide yourself with a good sleep, competently organize work and rest, abandon bad habits, play sports, regularly walk in the fresh air);
- watch the weather and dress according to it.
When it comes to influenza, special vaccinations can help prevent the disease. It is also important to remember that viruses retain their activity for a very long time, being in dry, stagnant air.
Drugs for prevention
Sometimes an adult or child lacks basic prevention rules to prevent influenza or SARS infection. In this case, come to the aid of drugs that can improve human immunity and prevent viruses from actively multiplying in the body.
Because flu and colds have similar nature, in fact all are various diseases, their prevention used different drugs. The choice of medicines should be entrusted to the doctor, and it is best to start taking care of the drug prevention of diseases for some time before the start of seasonal outbreaks.
In order to prevent the development of influenza, more serious medicines are required. They usually expressed side effects, and therefore take them without prior consultation with your doctor is impossible! Especially not without medical approval to use them in the case when it comes to children.
Folk remedies will help prevent SARS and flu
Many people refuse to use medicines to prevent influenza and SARS, preferring to replace them with folk remedies. Home recipes are effective as preventive measures, as often not only prevent viruses from entering the body, but also perform immunomodulatory functions.
To prevent seasonal diseases, you can use the following recipes:
- regularly gargle with infusion of chamomile, solution of soda;
- crush the berries of rose hips and fill them with water, bring to a boil, infuse for 8-10 hours, add to the resulting infusion of honey to taste, drink a glass every 3-4 hours during the day;
- mix in a ratio of 1:1:1 rosehip berries, raspberry leaves and black currant leaves, pour water, bring to a boil, let the broth cool and add sugar, drink 2-3 times a day for half a Cup;
- you can prepare nose drops by mixing a small amount of honey with beet juice (the mixture is buried in the nose in small quantities before each exit to the street);
- in ordinary tea, you can add ginger root, lemon and honey to taste, eating this drink throughout the day.
To use folk remedies as a preventive measure must be smart! It is important to remember that natural ingredients can be allergens. If a person is allergic to a particular product, it is better to abandon the recipes with its use.
What to do to avoid complications
If you can not avoid infection with SARS or influenza, it is necessary not only to quickly put the sick person on his feet, but also to prevent the development of complications. Among the most frequent consequences of infection with viruses transmitted by aerosol, there are:
- genyantritis;
- pneumonia;
- bronchitis;
- disorders of the heart.
Few people think that SARS or influenza can end in death, and meanwhile, it is quite possible if you can not avoid their complications!
To do without consequences, doctors strongly recommend not to self-medicate. It is necessary to consult a specialist and, having received recommendations from him, carefully observe them. It is important to remember that both SARS and influenza are viral diseases that can be dealt with only if antiviral drugs are used! Attempts to achieve treatment with the help of folk remedies and symptomatic therapy will only drive the disease into the depths of the body, but will not eliminate it!
SARS and flu are not such simple diseases as it may seem at first glance. They can lead to serious complications, and therefore it is better to prevent infection than to deal with the consequences. If contact with viruses could not be avoided, it is necessary to start the correct treatment immediately.
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