Mid-October is always so beautiful that you often catch yourself thinking-or rather, the desire-to admire! How many more around the Golden colors! .
Garden care
October can be unpredictable, so we hurry with the harvesting of vegetables, medicinal vegetables: dig the of horseradish root, parsley, common dandelion; harvest the seeds of carrots and other crops.
We grow late-matured varieties of cauliflower, digging it with the roots and placing the plants tightly to one another in a box (container) installed in the basement, greenhouse, barn; roots sprinkle with garden soil (sand), moisten. The air temperature is maintained within +2…+6°C.
In the same way, we extend the term of obtaining a harvest of fresh leek greens. Dig up the plants with the root, shake off the excess earth, set in boxes in an upright position, fall asleep with wet sand on 10-15 cm and put on a balcony or loggia. The air temperature is maintained not below 0°C.
The harvest is important to properly dispose of: something to prepare, something to try to keep fresh.
Garden chores
We finish harvesting the fruits of late winter varieties of Apple and pear.
When the October weather is stable, we conduct a strong moisture-loading watering of trees, shrubs and strawberries to provide them with favorable living conditions in the winter.
Trees watered from the calculation:
- 50 l under a sapling,
- 100 l-under a young plant,
- 200 l-under adult plant.
Bushes watered at the rate:
- 10 l under the seedling,
- 30 l-under an adult Bush.
In full swing is the cleaning of subtropical fruit crops: remove the fruits of persimmons, jujube, feijoa.
Until the cold came, the young planting of fruit trees made this fall, well watered, tree trunks mulch. In grafted forms, the trunk is tied with a lapnik or wrapped with a roofing material, several layers of nonwoven material.
To protect the young trees from the winds and breakage, their branches are pulled together with twine. With age in woody plants endurance increased. But protection from rodents is relevant for the garden at any age.
Tasks of the florist
In the flower beds, prune the dead stems of perennials (astilbe, asters, cornflower, columbines, baby’s breath, delphinium, Campanula, monarda, peony, Phlox, Echinacea, and others) to the ground. In plants with a wintering rosette of leaves cut only dried, yellowed or diseased leaves. Be sure to feed all the remaining winter perennials. On 1 m2 of flower garden we make 10 g of nitrogen, 50-60 g of phosphorus and 30 g of potassium fertilizers.
Mulch planting irises, spend pre-winter pruning of leaves. Containers with Butterfly flower are brought into the basement.
We plant on pre-prepared places garden lilies of the valley; they are planted to such a depth that the roots are not bent, and the sprouts were covered with earth for 1-2 cm.
In other regions, they are in a hurry to dig up and bring into the house or
in heated greenhouses, winter gardens. Only small-flowered varieties can withstand a short-term drop in temperature to 0° … -2°C.
If you have already started to color buds, you can transplant chrysanthemums in pots as houseplants and admire their flowering. Withered plants in pots cut and defined in a basement or frost-free shed, greenhouse with air temperatures from +3° to +5°C. Keep them so up to Mar, watering is rare. Then put in a warm bright place, regularly watered and waiting for the growth of new shoots that break out, root and grow new planting material.
If small-flowered chrysanthemum remains in the ground, concealed bushes special cloth, the edges of which fasten. In the afternoon on Sunny days, shelter removable, ventilated.
In good weather, prepare the soil for sowing in spring: dig, if necessary — lime, choose the rhizomes of weeds, fill with fertilizers.
Lawn and pond care
You can still repair the lawn, but provided that you will be able to protect the newly created green patches from trampling in the autumn and winter. The current repair of lawns is carried out on sites with grass up to 25%. When repairing the lawn is better to use pieces of turf from the border area. His cut out the right size, and then insert into the bald spots and watered.
If you accidentally dug up frogs, toads or newts that have already settled down for the winter, move them to a safe place and cover them with dry leaves or turf.
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