The appearance of snakes in the suburban area and even the possibility of their “arrival” requires urgent action. Someone chooses a general cleaning of the territory, someone lays out sheep’s wool (as you know, snakes do not like its smell) or sprays their possessions with kerosene, which they also do not like. But there is another way — the purchase and installation of special devices-repellents.
The principle of operation of the repeller
Nature has endowed snakes with very well-developed sense organs. They are particularly negative about noise and vibrations. It is this characteristic that formed the basis of the work of repellents, about the varieties of which we will talk a little below. As soon as the snake feels sound vibrations of a certain frequency, it associates them with danger and immediately leaves the territory where unpleasant vibrations are spreading. This is very similar to the situation when snakes suddenly disappear from their homes before earthquakes or volcanic eruptions.
Regardless of the type of device, the period of its greatest efficiency is approximately two days. During this time, the snakes must “capitulate” from the suburban area. According to the developers, it makes no sense to keep the repeller turned on for a long time, especially in winter and early spring, when snakes hibernate.
The design is similar to that of a mole repeller. It is a cylindrical body made of plastic or metal with a pointed end, in which the batteries and the “brain” of the device are located. More “advanced” models are equipped with solar panels. The device is immersed in the ground to a certain depth, which is necessarily specified in the instructions. The closer to the surface of the earth, the better. When turned on, it starts generating waves of a certain frequency. Periodically, the frequency of the waves will change so as not to cause addiction.
Types of repellents
Today, among the abundance of different models, there are several types of snake repellents.
1. On the principle of action:
- Ultrasonic
Snakes do not react to ultrasound in any way. The principle here is different. Ultrasound, “hitting” the body of the device, creates a vibration of the soil. And snakes feel great from it.He does not create any discomfort for them.
- Sound
Vibrations are created by a small motor hidden in the body of the repeller.
2. By type of food:
- powered by simple batteries;
- solar powered.
Also, when choosing such a device, it is important to pay attention to what the processed area is. Some manufacturers immediately indicate a certain area of the site where the device will be able to work effectively. Most often it is from 300 to 1 thousand m2.
The main advantages of repellents
According to manufacturers, repellents have a number of advantages. Among them:
- ssafety for others (including children and pets) and for the environment;
- efficiency and reliability;
- possibility of use on large areas;
- the possibility of long-term operation (provided that the device is of high quality);
- the possibility of using both outdoors and indoors
5 popular models of repellents
- “Conipur LS-107”. This device is suitable for rooms with an area of no more than 300 m2. It is powered by four Type D batteries. The frequency of the waves it propagates ranges from 350 to 450 Hz.
- Weitech WK-0677 Solar. A universal device that repels not only snakes, but also rodents (mice, moles, etc.). This model does not require additional batteries, as it is charged from a built-in solar battery. The area of action is 350 m2.
- “Tornado BOZ.01”. The repeller is effective on a smaller area than the previous two – 200 m2. It runs on batteries. The duration and frequency of the signals are constantly changing somewhere within 15-20 seconds, which makes it impossible for snakes to develop habituation.
- HELP. The body of the product is made of aluminum and plastic. Powered by solar panels. The impact area is 625 m2. In addition to all this, there is a flashlight in the repeller, which is located between the case and the lid.
- Uniel UDR-S20. Fully autonomous solar powered repeller. It has a constant vibration frequency of 400 Hz. The area of the protected area is 500 m2. The device has a moisture-proof IP44 coating.
And how do you deal with uninvited guests on your land plot?
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