Arranging a well, every homeowner dreams of clean water. But in reality, these dreams do not always come true. And not necessarily because of the influence of internal causes-contaminated groundwater. Much more often, the water in the well is far from the concept of “clean”, because it gets drains from the surface, not cleared by natural filter.
Competent design of the well, and most importantly — the correct construction of this structure will protect the water tank from contamination.
The well is a water intake structure
Often thoughts on a good device of wells in their prospective owners are reduced to the determination of the necessary number of concrete rings, buying them, finding the “right” of a brigade of diggers and the design of well house. Meanwhile, the well is a water intake structure, the device of which is somewhat more complicated than just a hole in the ground.
The choice of a team of masters-this is generally a question, we can say, intimate, almost the same as the choice of a partner in marriage: everyone has their own views on what should be the ideal master. Therefore, we turn to the part of the well that is above the ground level — to its head.
In the well should be only water
About what are, in fact, well houses, will not spread – the purity of the water does not depend on what color you paint this building. However, it is necessary to make sure that nothing extraneous gets inside the well, namely: garbage and dust, leaves, small animals and insects.
A live frog, oddly enough, will not spoil the water in the well. Say, our grandmother and great-grandmother even threw a frog into milk to quickly turn sour. But once in the well amphibian, most likely, will not be able to get out on the steep walls. Starved from hunger, the frog clean water do not add.
The neck of the well should be securely closed-it will protect against plant debris, prevent the death of the poor frog and protect your own youngsters from accidents. Even if you do not plan a water supply device, it is advisable to install a pump on the well, for example, manual. And water to lift easier, and the hole is always closed and non-sterile bucket of water do not spoil.
Well house
Over the well often make a house. In most cases, its function is purely decorative. But the device of the roof over the well is more important than just a design element of the site. Canopy should perform the same role as the roof of the house — to protect from rain inside. Therefore, it is necessary to make the slopes wider, so that the water flowing through them falls to the ground as far as possible from the well.
This will reduce the amount of water flowing down the walls of the well in the ground. This means that it will not get untreated water.
About the frost
The house above the well can serve as another utilitarian service-to protect against freezing in winter. Earlier, when wood was most often used to strengthen the mine, the question of freezing was less. Concrete well rings to better hold the cold inside.
If you have the desire and the opportunity to further insulate the barrel of the manhole at the top to the depth of freezing. For example, Styrofoam, and before finally fill the ground around the head or make a clay lock.
Although in most cases, just enough tight cover, closing the hole of the mine.
Clay castle: what it is, how to make it and why
One of the final stages of creating a well — filling and compaction of soil around the top of the trunk. Often customers require, and wells, respectively, offer the device of the clay lock.
However, this element does not always function properly and is generally necessary. Often, on the contrary, clay castle is harmful.
What is clay castle
Clay castle-a waterproofing structure of clay of a certain quality around the foundations, wells, cellars, pools, arranged where you want to limit the flow of water.
Clay serves as a waterproofing, because it consists of small particles (less than 0.002 mm), having the form of flakes, like fish scales or lentils. The pores between the clay particles are also small, their size is about 0.005 mm.
When moistened clay particles swell and block access to water, more precisely, water passes through the clay, but very slowly. And if it has another way, the water will choose it instead of very slowly seeping through the clay.
How a proper clay castle works
Features of the structure of clay (small flat particles-flakes) and determine the functioning of the clay castle. It is recommended that its device in the construction of wells. In particular: “along the perimeter of the head of the well, the lock should be made of well-washed and thoroughly compacted clay or oily loam with a depth of 2 meters and a width of 1 meter.”
If you plan the device clay castle, pay attention to the depth and width. And most importantly, the fact that it is necessary to use clay or fatty loam, that is, rocks containing in its composition more than half of the clay particles or at least 40% (fatty loam). And not just loam or even sandy loam, where clay particles are not more than 10%.
It is also important that the clay was well washed, and then more and carefully compacted. When clay crumple, flat the particles is parallel to each other position: “pieces” firmly contact with one another. In this case, the pores of the soil are reduced, and the clay ceases to pass water — becomes a clay castle.
Why do we need a clay castle well
Why clay castle well? To prevent water from flowing down the outer wall, seeping it through the seams, and, in the end, not past the purification of moisture in the well.
As mentioned above, the waterproofing of clay will only work if the clay is properly prepared and laid. Therefore, just a kind of clay mixture, covered and even rammed when laying feet or hand tools, waterproofing effect will not. But it will be fine to be subjected to frost heaving-an increase in the volume of soil when freezing in its water pores. This is especially true of clay soils.
In winter, the clay around the rings expands. And since it can not expand in the horizontal direction, it does so in the vertical direction — along the shaft of the mine, while tearing off the upper rings. Under a layer of clay cavities are formed: the soil around the rings continues to sit for several years, and the castle has a different density and structure. In the formed cavity enters the water and rubbish, including corpses of dead small animals.
Incorrectly arranged clay lock does not prevent the ingress of untreated surface water into the well, and further aggravates this process. Therefore, if you are not sure that the waterproofing layer of clay will be laid correctly, it is better not to create unnecessary problems.
Drainage and blind area
To divert water directly from the walls of the well, in addition to the device of a wide canopy over the well, you need to perform a soft blind area, and if necessary, drainage.
If your water source is fed by groundwater, and you will be able to avoid problems with the regular repair of the well, upsetting cut off after the winter rings, trying to keep them from regular seasonal movements with the help of metal plates and bolts and other troubles.
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