Colorful garlands, balls from small to large, shiny tinsel and… they are “Christmas trees” in pots! Green and blue, small and bigger, and most importantly – really alive, unlike cut firs! On New year’s eve, we see them in large numbers on supermarket shelves. How not to get lost and […]
Beauty of the Northern Garden — Hydrangea Paniculata
Hydrangea paniculata can be safely attributed to one of the best ornamental shrubs for suburban and garden areas of the middle zone. It is distinguished not only by abundant and prolonged flowering, but also by high winter hardiness, which is very important for regions with a cold climate. For example, […]
Decorative Shrubs For The Garden: Photos, Flowering Time (Part 1)
Often from the owners of a young garden you have to hear an almost fantastic phrase: I want a bright, diverse garden, blooming and fragrant, but does not require constant and vigilant attention, tedious care, daily weeding, loosening and endless transplants. Is it possible? Imagine, Yes. Such a garden-a dream […]
Rosehip: Species And Useful Properties (Part 1)
About how, that Rosa-Queen day-care services, know all. We love when roses bloom, adore these plants for their unique appearance, for the amazing delicate aroma. But speaking of roses, we usually do not even think about their wild relatives-briers. Although many of them bloom and more abundant, and longer. Rose […]
Rosehip: Species And Useful Properties (Part 2)
Common types of Rosehips What species are most interesting for cultivation and use? Here are descriptions of some of the most common. Rosa pimpinellifolia Rosa pimpinellifolia is a shrub up to 2 m tall. the Spines are long, horizontal. The bark is smooth, shiny, red-brown, on perennial branches rough, gray. […]
Coniferous Miniatures. Dwarf Varieties of Coniferous Plants and Features of Their Cultivation.
Miniature conifers are gaining popularity among Amateur gardeners. They perfectly complement the composition of stone, decorate small gardens and do not grow much over time. The latter quality is especially valuable because in a small area you can plant dozens of plants and watch their development for many years. Miniature, […]
Sumac: Types, Features of Cultivation And Recipes
Sumac caused mixed feelings, scaring, and pulling. In what other way do plants unite, some of which strike with their touch, causing severe illness, and others serve for the preparation of refreshing drinks and desserts? Most sumacs — both harmful and harmless — can only grow in warmer areas than […]