Today I want to talk about the benefits of radish that is difficult to find in the vast world wide web of knowledge.
Let us turn to the figures: per 100 g of the product potassium content 255 mg, sodium — 22 mg, magnesium, iron, calcium. It can only be stored for an hour, because flabby quickly.
Radish with liver problems
Of course, it is impossible to cure liver diseases with one radish. There should be a set of measures and the first of them should regret the problematic body. What’s the meaning of that? Need a diet.
Remember that sugar is food for the liver and not for the delight of taste buds on the tongue. It is better to buy reed, dissolve it in purified water and drink. Can be dear jams, but it should be cooked from sweet fruits and berries.
In all seasons it is useful to eat cut raw ginger with lemon and sugar. Suitable fruits and berries with a slight bitterness of cherry with the sugar, cranberries, blueberries, grapes, and watermelons. But no sour fruit!
And now the most important thing: whatever you eat or drink, you need to make a decoction of the tops of radishes. To do this, take a lot of greenery (a handful of chopped young leaves), pour two glasses of water and cook for so long that the volume of liquid is halved. Slightly sweeten with sugar and drink. This will help clear the liver.
The best option is to grow the green of the radish so that it will last for 3 days, and then during this period no other food and drink do not take only water.
If you have shown yourself jaundice or hepatitis for the first time, then instead of water you need to drink decoction of radish tops. Without diet can not do: eliminate the fat and any protein foods, and fried. Hot food is also impossible. At the same time, you need to cook soup from dried radish. For example, bean soup with dried herbs and dried root.
Sometimes out of nowhere there appears the cough. Try to treat the tea from radish! I will say that the liver is not sick, why drink radish? Of course, but we do not know for what reason suddenly appeared cough. Often from liver problems.
Help with burning in the liver
White rice helps the liver to get rid of the heat. The course of treatment 21 day. A jar you need to pour one teaspoon of well-washed rice. Capacity is convenient to take a small amount, ideal mayonnaise.
Each day, we need all banks rice to wash out and fill with clean water. The first dose is ready for use in 7 days. A Rice from her to cook without salt and eat for Breakfast. Cooking time-two minutes from the moment of boiling. After this Breakfast, the next meal is only at lunchtime. The empty jar to refill the rice and cover with water.
There are situations when there is no disease, and the liver burns. There may be many reasons, but the solution is to drink tea from fresh radish leaves.
Well helps the next:
- First, the most severe diet for two weeks. This will simply help the liver to work not in critical mode.
- Second, three days to drink radish tea with cane the sugars.
The benefits of radish for kids
In today’s world, young children can suffer from liver disease. Radish gives a unique remedy: you need to boil the leaves, a little sweeten, cool and give the child as a medicine.
This method helps to alleviate the condition even in children under 6 months of age. But to drink water they can not only decoction of the leaves. Moreover, you can use not only fresh, but also properly dried.
You have a very active child, which doctors consider hyperactive? Try to drink tea from the radish helps!
Use tops and roots
Somehow decided for food to take only the root and the leaves or what can be called foliage, is to throw in the trash. It is a pity, because we destroy the unique not only benefit, but also taste, product.
How much you can eat radishes? Several times during the season, if this vegetable is grown themselves in their own gardens and greenhouses. Season is spring. In the summer of the root due to a long day is not formed, the plant goes to the arrow: radish begins to multiply. It turns out that there are two seasons when you can eat tops: early spring and summer. Because to grow summer radishes need not only for root, but for an inch, that is green.
In any salad, beet soup, hash, regardless of which recipe she was not prepared, add the tops with soft cheese (for example Suluguni). You can simply cut the leaves, sprinkle with natural Apple cider vinegar, add a grated clove of garlic and flavored with unrefined sunflower oil.
You can chop the parsley and dill for flavor, radish for use, pour unrefined sunflower oil and serve as a sauce for boiled potatoes.
And here is the idea for stewed young chicken. First fry in a deep frying pan the chicken pieces, then add chopped garlic followed by the chopped radish greens and then a little starch. Mix well. And once Apple cider vinegar and again stir well to avoid lumps. It turns out delicious and healthy dish.
And necessarily radish very useful tea. Brew as usual, pour almost boiling water and drink. Better instead of regular tea or coffee. First, a decoction is unlikely to please, like almost any new dish. But sometimes you need to understand that everything that is useful, and even tasty. Food, that is, the tops of radishes in our case, there are food and medicine. This is the only vegetable plant that is so easy to be treated.
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