The Most Beautiful Sculptures for the Garden

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To transform your garden, you do not need to move to global action. You need to pay attention to details such as figures, sculptures, fountains, which will give the garden a unique and unique look.

Figures for the garden play a special role in the decoration of the garden. Garden sculpture is able to give the garden area charm and unique charm.

The Most Beautiful Sculptures for the Garden

The Most Beautiful Sculptures for the Garden

The Most Beautiful Sculptures for the Garden

Placing figures in the garden, adhere to the following rules:

  • figures of angels will be a great addition to the rose garden, flower arches;

The Most Beautiful Sculptures for the Garden

The Most Beautiful Sculptures for the Garden

  • figures in the form of animals should be placed in accordance with their habitat;

The Most Beautiful Sculptures for the Garden

For example, gnomes and hedgehogs will look great just in the grass, and frogs and herons – near the pond.

The Most Beautiful Sculptures for the Garden

The Most Beautiful Sculptures for the Garden

The Most Beautiful Sculptures for the Garden

  • figures graceful animals (lions, tigers) must be placed in the Central part of the yard or garden.

The Most Beautiful Sculptures for the Garden

Agree that cute decorative elements, surrounded by greenery and flowers that can create cozy corners for you.

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