The” shaggy ” bright red flowers in the flower beds attract butterflies. And varietal plants surprise with pale pink, pink, purple and even white flowers. I really want to find a white Monarda – if you believe the photos that I came across, it looks extraordinary! But the ordinary red flower is also very beautiful.
Although, to be honest, I love this plant not so much for the flowers, but for the aroma of the leaves-strong, rich, reminiscent of mentha (or, rather, Melissa). They say that he and the Cop are distant relatives:) Tea with dried Monard leaves is something! That’s why there’s always a place for her in my garden.
Monarda leaves can be used fresh in salads and as a seasoning for cooking meat. However, this does not apply to hybrid plants — they are planted exclusively for beauty, and not for gastronomic purposes. Besides, I’m only having tea for now.
It will not be difficult to raise a monard. It can grow in the sun and in partial shade; the soil prefers loose, rich in nutrients. If the conditions suit it, it grows well-sometimes it is even recommended to limit its growth by planting it in a large bucket without a bottom.
Every three to four years, the bush should be divided. If you do not do this, the plant will eventually weaken, thin out, and begin to hurt. The monard divides in the spring; this, by the way, is the fastest and most reliable way of its reproduction.
But back to caring. Monarda didyma is a water-loving plant, so in a dry summer you will have to water it quite often, at least twice a week. On dry soil, it develops poorly and can even get sick. Weakened plant and blooms worse, and looks pretty nondescript. By the way, the flower stalks should be cut off in time: a faded monard does not decorate the flower bed, it looks untidy.
But here, perhaps, the concern for the Monarch ends. And if you plant it in a corner of the garden with moist soil-for example, near a pond-then watering is not required. This plant will also be cozy in natural compositions, on the outskirts of shrubby thickets.
Despite his striking appearance, the monard is not an individualist)) It looks great in combination with other plants, not only garden, but also wild. Thanks to the aroma of the leaves, which, by the way, is felt even with a simple touch to the bush, the Monard will logically fit into the composition of the herbs, enriching it with bright colors. I want to try to plant Leonurus next to it: besides, it’s just blooming right now. In my opinion, it should be good!
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