If you have a lot of tools and you are thinking about how to make everything at hand, then you need to think about a special storage system. You can buy it at the construction market or in a specialized store. Let’s consider the most common types of such devices.
Wall systems
This is one of the most popular ways to store inventory. Thus, it is possible to place not only garden tools, but also bicycles, sleds, fishing rods and other property that is usually stored in outbuildings and premises.
This system is a multi-level bookcase with shelves and fasteners. The advantages of such models are the ability, if necessary, to install other components and change the length and height of the fasteners. Aluminum wall systems are considered to be the most durable — according to manufacturers, they can withstand a load of up to 300 kg per 1 running meter.
It is not easy to calculate their cost, because it depends on each specific order. The main structural elements are panels (rails), hooks and suspensions; the final price depends on their size and quantity.
Storage cabinets
Not everyone likes open storage of inventory. In this case, you can install special cabinets with sliding or swing doors. As practice shows, there is no better way to store a variety of things — from small things to oversized garden tools.
Lockers can be built independently, but if there is no time for this, they can be purchased. A big plus of many models is the presence of rollers, which allows you to change the location of cabinets and their configuration. The height of the shelves, the presence and number of hooks, other details already need to be selected for themselves, in accordance with the needs. The final cost will also depend on this, which may be rather big.
Metal shields
A good option for those who prefer a strict style and utilitarianism. The shields are sheets of metal with small perforations. Fasteners can be inserted into any of the holes. The whole tool is hung on them in plain sight, which is especially convenient for those who often work on a workbench.
This system is great for both small and large rooms. However, it will not be possible to store a large garden tool in this way, so it is better to use shields in combination with wall hangers for shovels, rakes and other similar items.
There are many types of suspensions — double and rounded hooks (including with latches), multi-tool and ring suspensions, trays, straps with clips, special products for specific tools (for example, wrenches).
Chests and storage boxes
This is a good option for storing garden tools and tools in small areas where there is no basement, and the outbuildings will take up a lot of useful space. Boxes and chests are made of plastic. So you can store not only inventory, but also garden furniture, firewood, gas cylinders, various accessories, garbage containers.
Garden boxes and chests made of plastic do not require any special care – it is enough to wash them periodically with water. They will not rust and will not fade, even if they are placed directly on the site under the open sky. All containers are equipped with ventilation holes, so that things inside will not spoil. And, of course, they can be locked.
The volume of large—sized products can reach from 1000 to 2000 liters – even bicycles can already be placed there. In the design of some boxes and chests, manufacturers show originality — for example, EDEN has released a chest-bench (there is a container at the bottom of it, and railings and backs on top).
Small tools (screwdrivers, wrenches, pliers, etc.) and garden tools (shovels, pruners, scissors, gloves, etc.) are conveniently stored in special fabric or polyethylene organizers equipped with pockets. You can either sew them yourself or buy them ready-made. Organizers are placed on a suspended system, a perforated metal shield or directly on the wall. They are inexpensive.
Sealed containers
Owners of large suburban plots are probably familiar with the problem of storing fertilizers, sprayers, insecticides and other chemicals. And if construction is actively underway at the dacha, building mixes, paints, reagents, varnishes, etc. are added to them. It is not recommended to breathe many of them — they contain toxic substances.
Remember that they should be stored in tightly closed containers, and if indoors, then as high as possible. But it’s better on the street. On the eve of the autumn-winter season, pay attention to the storage conditions indicated on the labels — some of the above substances do not tolerate low temperatures or excessive humidity.
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