- That is bad for your joints;
- 1. Work without breaks;
- 2. Wear uncomfortable shoes;
- 3. Abuse tasty but harmful food;
- 4. Addicted to beer;
- 5. Eat food with plenty of salt and flavor enhancers;
- 6. Underestimate the risks of hardening;
- 7. Try to lose weight fast;
- 8. A little move;
- 9. Expose the body to too high loads;
- What is good for the joints ;
- 1. Change activities;
- 2. Wear comfortable shoes;
- 3. Eat right;
- 4. Lead a healthy lifestyle;
- 5. Move more;
- 6. Take care of regular exercise;
Problems with joints are found, according to experts, every fourth person. Most often suffer knee, hip, ankle and wrist joints. Pain, difficulty, and later the inability to move — all significantly reduces the quality of life.
That is bad for your joints
The causes of joint diseases are diverse. In addition to inflammations and injuries, bad habits and wrong way of life can lead to problems. And often we do not even know that we harm our health, or know, but underestimate the danger, and therefore ignore it. What can adversely affect the condition of the joints? Test yourself — maybe some of these habits are familiar to you?
1. Work without breaks
Some of us work for a long time to remain in a forced situation. It is difficult to change this situation, but it is important to understand that this threatens the emergence of the disease. For example, arthrosis of the hands may be in the seamstress; arthrosis of the shoulder joints — in the painter; arthrosis of the knee joints — in professional athletes. Long continuous walking or standing in one place creates a load on the ankle and knee joints.
2. Wear uncomfortable shoes
Women always want to look impressive, stylish — and we put on narrow shoes, so that the heel was as high as possible. What do we get in the end? Tight shoes squeezes the joints of the feet, which disrupts blood circulation and the flow of nutrients to the joint. High heel harmful to all the joints of the lower limbs and joints of the spine.
3. Abuse tasty but harmful food
Who among us does not like to eat fragrant sausage, kebab and other Goodies? Well, if it is used in small portions and not too often. And do we always manage to refrain from not healthy, but such delicious dishes? The greatest harm to the joints are processed meat products containing large amounts of purines and nitrates, which worsen the condition of the joints.
In addition, lovers of delicious food often at the same time add weight. And the more weight, the greater the load is on the joints of the lower extremities. One extra kilogram increases the risk of osteoarthritis by 10%. Weight gain is given by easily digestible carbohydrates (sweets, potatoes, pastries, etc.).
4. Addicted to beer
Foam drink, which now, thanks to the ubiquitous advertising, like to indulge many, rich in purines, and they are in the form of uric acid accumulate in the joint fluid, causing gout. The main signs of this disease are severe joint pain, swelling and redness, fever and malaise. And an excessive passion for beer leads to excess weight — with all the ensuing negative consequences.
5. Eat food with plenty of salt and flavor enhancers
Salt plays the role of a preservative and is very harmful to the joints. The use of salt in large quantities violates the water-salt balance in the body. In addition to salt, many products contain sodium glutamate, which improves the taste and aroma of meat, canned fish, dried seasonings, etc. the Harm of sodium glutamate is that it can exacerbate joint pain and increase inflammation.
6. Underestimate the risks of hardening
Swimming in ice water, of course, is useful — it increases the body’s defenses. However, low temperatures (as well as high) have a negative impact on the condition of the joints. If you have never bathed in cold water and suddenly decided to do it overnight, know that you are waiting for joint problems — pain and inflammation. This process must be approached very carefully. Even if you decide to be tempered with a contrast shower, the water temperature should be lowered gradually.
7. Try to lose weight fast
As a rule, excess weight is gained very quickly. And so you want to quickly lose those hateful pounds! Here lies the danger to the joints. Those who want to lose weight faster begin to run hard, jump, engage in various simulators, which in the end very often leads to joint injuries and subsequent arthrosis. And this is for life.
Not useful and all sorts of “extreme” diet — our joints need a full diet, artificially created deficiency of the necessary substances can lead to disease. If you decide to lose weight, do it gradually and under the supervision of experts.
8. A little move
Modern technology and progress make us lazy: we do not want to once again get up from the chair and walk a few meters. Lack of movement leads to gradual atrophy of the muscles and ligamentous apparatus of the joints, and further to their deformation. Well, to overweight this way of life also has.
9. Expose the body to too high loads
Physical activity, including sports, of course, useful. But excessive zeal for joints harmful. This is especially true for those who are engaged in power sports (weightlifting, bodybuilding). Such athletes need to increase muscle mass, and with the growth of muscle tissue increases the load on the joints. In the future, this leads to injury and arthrosis.
But elementary exercises performed incorrectly increase the load on the knee, elbow and shoulder joints. Even running on the asphalt path in the Park, touching the sole with a hard surface, we seem to hit every time all the joints of the lower limb.
What is good for the joints
With bad habits more or less clear. And what to replace them that will be useful to our joints? How to reduce risks and compensate for harmful effects?
1. Change activities
To long the same type of work does not harm the joints, it is recommended every 45-60 minutes to take a break for 5 minutes and change the type of activity. Take a walk, do a few simple exercises to relax the muscles (for example, you can perform stretching, tilting in different directions, squats, etc.). Or switch to other things, if possible.
2. Wear comfortable shoes
To avoid problems with the joints, choose comfortable shoes with soft insoles. Wear high heels only on special occasions and no more than 4 hours in a row. For permanent wear, buy shoes made of genuine leather or fabric. The heel height for men should be no more than 2 cm, for women – no more than 3-5 cm.
3. Eat right
It is noted that vegetarians are less likely to suffer from joint diseases. Include more vegetables, fruits and greens (except spinach) in your menu. Try to avoid fast food, spicy, salty food. For joints useful products rich in collagen and vitamin D: seafood, jellied dishes, fruit jelly.
4. Lead a healthy lifestyle
Life without alcohol and Smoking will benefit not only the joints, but also the whole body.
5. Move more
No wonder they say: “Movement is life.” Move more, move constantly, move even when it hurts to move. Movement activates metabolism, prevents the deposition of salts in the joints, increases blood circulation and helps reduce inflammation.
6. Take care of regular exercise
For the joints is very helpful regular exercise. Good influence yoga classes, as many asanas are associated with stretch marks and help maintain the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus. No less effective dance classes, and it is useful at any age.
Doctors note that arthrosis is rapidly “getting younger”, and the wrong way of life can lead to the development of the disease. By replacing harmful, destructive health habits useful, we can keep the joy of movement for years to come.
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