For health and beauty we need vitamins-everyone knows it. But what and why-the question for many tricky.
The fact that eating certain foods helps people avoid a number of diseases has been known for a long time. But only in the XX century, the Polish biochemist Casimir Funk managed to isolate the active nitrogen-containing substance, which he called “vitamin”. However, it later emerged that not all vitamins contain nitrogen, but in spite of this, the term “vitamin” is firmly entrenched in the scientific community, and in our daily lives, too.
Vitamins for women of different ages
But back to the body and its needs. Vitamins we need throughout life, the only question in their list and quantity.
Vitamins for women after 25 years
In 25-30 years, while the woman is still young and active, for her well – being it is enough to competently organize their meals and regime: fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables, clean drinking water and sleep at least 8 hours-everything is simple.
However, even now girls should think about their future and include in the diet foods enriched with vitamin E. this vitamin promotes growth and cell division, resulting in improved structure of hair, nails and skin. It also affects the protective properties of the body, strengthening the immune system.
And by the age of 30 it is time to bring the heavy artillery – b vitamins, the unique properties of which should be said in more detail. B6-reduces the impact of stress factors on the body, has a positive effect on the nervous system. And it improves mood, as involved in the formation of serotonin, which is not without reason called the “hormone of happiness.”
B9-the famous folic acid. This is one of the key vitamins that is prescribed to pregnant women, as it promotes the synthesis of nucleic acids containing hereditary information. In addition, folic acid is necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive, nervous and hematopoietic systems – and not only expectant mothers. It is found in walnuts and hazelnuts, cod liver, cocoa, many citrus fruits, broccoli.
Vitamins for women after 30
After 30 years, the intensity of metabolic processes in the female body begins to gradually decrease. First of all, these manifestations are reflected in our appearance. The skin becomes less elastic, the first wrinkles appear. Come to the aid of proper facial care and vitamins a, C, E. This trio is also called “beauty vitamins”.
With a sufficient amount of vitamin a (retinol) cells divide more actively, so that wounds heal faster, and the skin becomes beautiful and healthy. This vitamin is in fish oil, liver, butter, yolks. But in vegetables and fruits in its pure form it does not occur. But they contain beta-carotene-a substance that gets to our body, converted into retinol. Among the Champions of beta-carotene content, of course, carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes, oranges, red and yellow bell peppers.
Vitamin E is involved in the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which are necessary for beautiful, supple skin. It significantly slows down the signs of aging, prolonging our youth. Vitamin C is needed not only for our body to effectively resist viruses and infections, but also for beauty, which we often forget. It, like vitamin E, stimulates the formation of collagen. Champions in the content of vitamin C-not oranges and tangerines, and rose hip, currant, sea buckthorn and, do not be surprised, bell pepper.
Also, at the age of 45 years, do not forget about B12. It is involved in the normalization of almost all vital processes in the body. Responsible for the stability of the nervous system. This is a kind of energy that gives the female body an additional charge. Vitamin B12 is rich in liver, various types of meat, mackerel, seafood, eggs and even sour cream.
Vitamins for women after 45
This is a crucial period for any woman, when her body is rebuilt to a new mode of operation. And it’s called menopause. Horror stories about the climax is written a lot, but if you approach the problem constructively (not to let everything take its course, in time to see a doctor, start taking special drugs), its manifestations will not be so bright and unpleasant.Most often, women are faced with the following symptoms: a sharp change of mood, sleep disturbance, dry mucous membranes, deterioration of skin elasticity. All these processes are due to a decrease in the production of estrogen-the most important female hormone.
To cope with new, unusual and very ambiguous sensations, a woman should resort to the help of vitamins B-complex (B1, B2, B6, B5 and B12). The effect of these vitamins goes on two fronts. First, they affect our emotional state – reduce irritability and frequency of mood swings, protect from stress, charge with energy. Secondly, they are involved in the elimination of external manifestations of menopause – sagging and dry skin.
Separately want to talk about the benefits of vitamin B6. In addition to the positive impact on the nervous system and mood (as we have already written), it helps to fight excess weight, which in the period of hormonal changes becomes inevitable. B6 will not be a panacea for extra pounds, but with a comprehensive approach, it will help to get rid of them easier. In the period of menopause, the risk of osteoporosis will increase significantly, since now calcium is worse retained in the bone structure. Vitamins D and K promote bone formation and repair, help the body absorb calcium and reduce the risk of fractures. They also play an important role in blood clotting and are necessary for normal brain function. Most vitamin K is found in spinach, salads, green onions, all kinds of cabbage.
Vitamin D our body is able to produce its own – it is enough to sunbathe a little. But with age, sunbathing become unsafe for health, and they have a negative impact on the skin, so it is better to get it in the form of tablets or with food. In mushrooms, eggs, sprats, herring, fat sour cream and cream.
Vitamin complex
It is important to understand that each vitamin has its own daily intake, and it will be different not only for men and women, but also for people of different ages. For example, a young woman under the age of 25 requires 60 mg of vitamin C. that is, she needs to eat at least 100-150 g of garden strawberries a day. At first glance, everything is simple: with a portion of berries, she will receive a daily rate of vitamin C, but whether this rate will be assimilated is another question. Vitamins from food may not be fully absorbed or absorbed at all. And with age, this process worsens. It turns out that to maintain health, youth and beauty is not enough just to choose the right diet.
There is another pitfall: some vitamins categorically refuse to get along with each other, and if you add trace elements to them, the situation with the confrontation becomes much more acute. A striking example, which thanks to advertising is now on everyone’s lips, is calcium and iron (calcium blocks the absorption of iron). Vitamins a and E prevent the absorption of vitamin K. Even not all vitamins of the same group get along. B1 should not be taken with B12 and B6. But there are other pairs, which, on the contrary, in the complex become only stronger. For example, folic acid interacts well with vitamin C. a B6 together with B2 contribute to the absorption of magnesium.
Therefore, it is not enough just to determine the necessary vitamins. It is important to combine them correctly, and it is better not to joke with the dosage. Both problems can be solved by taking ready-made multivitamin complexes, in which the daily rate is already calculated, and vitamins do not conflict with each other. Well, to choose the optimal composition of the multicomplex you will not be difficult, because you already know what vitamins and at what age you need.
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