Once you know these flowers will not have anything to convince the daylilies conquer once and for all. But if they don’t grow in your garden yet, maybe you doubt you need it. After all, the choice is so great — why daylilies? Well, we have arguments.
They are perennial
There is probably no need to talk much about the advantages of perennials. Having planted a plant once, you will admire its beauty year after year. And from year to year it will become more expressive and attractive. The only thing that is important to consider when buying planting material: perhaps in the first season after planting, you will not be able to see your daylily in all its glory, because in full its varietal qualities will be revealed only for 2-3 years.
They bloom profusely and long
Daylily flower is short-lived, but instead of fading new bloom — and the more stems with buds, the longer the plant will delight you with its colors. This fireworks flowers can last up to 25-45 days, and some varieties and hybrids (remontant) have a predisposition to re-bloom: after a short (up to 3 weeks) rest period such daylilies bloom again.
For example, pay attention to these varieties:
- ‘Jean Swann’ – its delicate fragrant double flowers are located on high (about 70 cm) peduncles;
- ‘Irresistible Charm’ – large yellow flowers with contrasting eye and border on the corrugated petals bloom on peduncles about 65 cm high;
- ‘Black Prince’ – tall (up to 100 cm) profusely flowering variety with large flowers of rich hue;
- ‘Tiger Blood’ — a large (to 15 cm) semi-double flowers are a spectacular contrast of colouring are revealed in the stalks with a height of about 65 cm;
- ‘Little Red Baron’ — double, rich pink flowers;
- ‘Paprika Flame’ – double flowers with a diameter of about 12 cm, with fringed petals.
Buying remontant (re-flowering) varieties and hybrids, you need to understand that the plant has shown the inherent genetic ability to re-bloom, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for it, to provide good care. In addition to climatic and weather factors, the impact of soil fertility, moisture, light, etc.
It is important to remove stems with withered flowers in a timely manner, to prevent drying of the soil, to feed the plants. And of course, to plant them on a well-lit, warmed by the sun and protected from cold winds area with fertile soil. But unfortunately, even under such conditions, you can not get re-flowering in regions where the warm and Sunny time is short, and the summer is usually cold and rainy. Keep this in mind when selecting varieties.
They are surprisingly diverse
The number of varieties and hybrids of daylilies, bred by breeders around the world, is staggering. They vary in shape and size of the flower, its color, the height of the Bush; among them there are dwarfs and giants.
Form (structure of flower) official classification highlights the importance of simple, double, arachnids (spiders), unusual forms (exotic) and polymer and multi-forms can. Some groups include several subgroups – according to the additional characteristics of the petals.
For example, daylilies with simple flowers are not so simple: their shape can be round, starry, tubular (or Lily), triangular, flat, informal, reverse. Pay attention to the bright Chicago Apache ‘or expressive ‘ Magic Dancer’, noble’ Black Prince ‘or spectacular’Irresistible Charm’.
Very popular Terry daylilies, among which there are both miniature and large-flower varieties with flowers of different colors. Admire, for example, the fiery paint varieties ‘Paprika Flame’ or gentle, delicate flowers — in ‘Jean Swann’. Or perhaps you will be captivated by its juicy berry shade ‘Little Red Baron’.
Lovers of exotic and lovers of all unusual will surely attract daylilies-spiders and daylilies with an exotic (unusual) form of a flower. The spiders include plants with flowers, whose length and width of the petals are in a ratio of 4:1 or more; the petal is already, the higher the grade is valued.
Daylilies with an unusual shape of the flower look very peculiar; their originality is manifested in all sorts of features of the petals, which can be pinched at the tips, twisted in a spiral or tube and so on. Complement the fantastic picture of exotic colors of flowers and often — large sizes.
In any case, you can be sure that this flower will attract the eyes and become a real “star” of your garden. Take a look, for example, at the amazing ‘Heavenly Flight of Angel’ or sophisticated ‘Crimson Pirate’ — and doubts will be dispelled.
They are unpretentious
Daylilies do not need time-consuming, painstaking care. If the place for planting is chosen correctly (open, Sunny area with fertile soil), the plant will not give you trouble. It does not need to be transplanted often — daylilies can grow in one place for many years. It tolerates drought, hardy, does not require pruning for the winter, practically not damaged by diseases, does not suffer from pests.
You can plant daylilies both in autumn and spring. If you have not purchased the planting material — it’s not too late to do now. Perhaps your attention, in addition to the above, will attract varieties:
- Hello Screamer-large (up to 13 cm in diameter) cream flowers with a dark pink center and a yellow-green throat have an unusual shape, which they give wide petals with curved down edges;
- Enchanted Forest-delicate cream flowers with a Golden cent and border on the edge of heavily corrugated petals have a strong aroma, flower diameter-up to 15 cm;
- Double Pompon-different abundance of large (up to 15 cm in diameter) Terry flowers with slightly wavy petals of pink and yellow throat.
They are winter-hardy
Despite the fact that daylilies come from the edges of the fertile warm climate, modern varieties and hybrids are characterized by high winter hardiness: they are without shelter tolerate frosts to -34…-40 degrees.
They are suitable for different types of flower beds
The diversity of daylilies makes this culture almost universal. Depending on the variety, they are used as a specimen and in group plantings; miniature varieties are grown in containers and pots; composition of daylilies adorn flowerbeds and mixed borders; they look great ponds. Daylilies are easy to combine with other garden crops, so you can certainly pick them successful partners from among the plants that already live in your flower beds.
As you can see, there are not so few reasons to plant daylilies in your garden.
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