This plant I have always considered a weed and treated it accordingly. Although I liked its leaves, especially when raindrops or dew fell on them, but the way this grass grew in the most inappropriate (from my point of view) places was annoying. And I accidentally found out that this “weed” is considered an ornamental and medicinal plant! I decided to look at it better and learn more about it…
Almost on all lawns, forest edges, along roadsides grows Alchemilla mollis-a perennial, characterized by rare simplicity. In the literature, it is written that its flowering period is from June to July, but in bright glades it blooms in May.
Her flowers are at first glance unremarkable: small, greenish-yellow in color. But dense inflorescences, rising above the bushes on high (50 — 60cm/1.6-2 foot) stems, in the mass look very elegant. Even the small flowering islands along the path attract the eye.
It is worth noting that, growing it as a garden plant, it is advisable to remove the peduncles in time, since it reproduces quite willingly with seeds. In addition, thanks to this operation, you can see its flowering again at the end of summer.
With the choice of a landing site for Alchemilla Vulgaris and its satellites, there will be no special problems: this plant feels great in the sun, in partial shade and even in shady places. He prefers clay-humus soil, well-moistened, but grows on almost any soil. Simply, depending on the conditions, it turns out either a large, lush, flowering shrub, or a modest, but pretty shrub, almost groundcover (if there is little moisture, and the soil is poor, it usually “spreads” all over the earth).
This will make an excellent company for Tracheophytes, Hosts, Brunners and many others. You should avoid the proximity of Alchemilla Vulgaris with low-growing, medium-sized plants-in favorable conditions, it can simply suppress their activity.
My garden is now populated with all kinds of flowers, and this time there is a place for this plant. So I just don’t dig it up, freeing it from the grass and giving it the opportunity to show itself in all its glory-so it grows next to Lupin at the fence.
Someone plants it on purpose. Small plants tolerate transplanting well, especially if you try to transfer them with a lump of earth.
Soon all of them will grow and close the free space, completely displacing the weeds from their territory.
Traditional medicine considers the drug Alchemilla Vulgaris especially useful for women’s ailments. Young leaves and its shoots can be used in salads and soups.
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