Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

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This year, I traditionally end a series of articles about the next chrysanthemum exhibition in the Botanical Garden by showing not a single flower (inflorescence) of a certain variety, but by presenting it immediately in mass flowering.

For the first time I want to show you chrysanthemums in close-up, because each variety, as I have already written, as a rule, demonstrates its advantages in a small picture, where 50 pieces are planted.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

Every spring, before planting, rooted cuttings are prepared, varieties are divided by color and height.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

Often not only beautiful, but also contrasting combinations are obtained.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

A number of varieties, or a “family” of chrysanthemums, are trying to be placed side by side.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

Make not only large-flowered, but also small-flowered chrysanthemums. And last – it is very important to combine not only in color, but also in height.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

With such a variety of varieties, and more than 200 are exhibited annually, some flaws are permissible, but when chrysanthemums bloom, it is not so important.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

Today you will see both small-flowered and large-flowered chrysanthemums at once.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

There are no indifferent people among those who admire chrysanthemums.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

All people: women and men, children, young and old – look at autumn flowers with genuine interest, sincerely smiling, sharing their impressions with each other.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

True fans of chrysanthemums are not even stopped by the rain.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

Let’s hurry to the autumn chrysanthemum ball before they have faded yet…

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

Admiring chrysanthemums, let’s remember the most interesting facts about them.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

For more than 2500 years, people have been growing chrysanthemums.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

The homeland of chrysanthemums is considered not only Japan, but also China.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

The cultigenic range (the range of a species occupying a certain territory of its cultivation by man) of chrysanthemums has long and far gone beyond East Asia and included all of Asia, America, Europe and Africa.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

Currently, the world assortment of chrysanthemums has 10,000 varieties.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

The breeding of new varieties is sometimes so original that we can talk about the whole direction. So, it is for Chinese chrysanthemums that such a spider inflorescence is characteristic.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

In industrial floriculture, chrysanthemums are grown for cutting flowers and as indoor plants.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

In the festive decoration, low (30-50 cm/1-1.6 ft) varieties of chrysanthemums are appreciated, which do not require supports, are well leafy, give a sufficient number of lateral shoots, easily multiply, bloom for a long time, are resistant to diseases, pests and adverse environmental conditions: rain, fading in the sun, wind.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

These requirements are met, first of all, by small-flowered chrysanthemums.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

Their flowering seems to spread bright multicolored carpets on the ground.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

Often these “carpets” are also fragrant.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

A peculiar tart smell of chrysanthemum with honey notes is the aroma of autumn.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

And, no matter how exotic the beauty’s appearance is, her natural southern charm will “betray” that she is the queen or princess of autumn in front of you.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

Early varieties of small-flowered chrysanthemum in the open ground bloom from the end of September to the second half of October, and by the second decade of November they are already blooming.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

Varieties of medium-ripened flowering, demonstrating their beauty from the second half of October to the first half of November, are still at the peak of their mass flowering.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

Varieties of the late flowering period bloom at the end of the second half of November and, if kept for a long warm autumn, bloom until December.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

Every year, the weather makes its own adjustments to the flowering period of the variety.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

For chrysanthemums, cooling in September is especially important, which gives them an impetus to increase the vegetative mass.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

Naturally, a well-leafed strong plant will give a more effective flowering.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

The autumn Chrysanthemum Ball in the open air is a unique botanical event.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

In 2018, it is already the 65th botanical exhibition.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

But specifically the chrysanthemum culture began there in 1812.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

The first chrysanthemum that found its second home was a chrysanthemum of Chinese selection.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

Today we see English, French, Dutch and Chinese beauties at the ball.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

Here, breeding is aimed at creating varieties with early and medium flowering periods, tall — for cutting, short – for flower beds, borders and pot culture.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

Along with small-flowered chrysanthemums, border or dwarf large-flowered varieties with a height of 89-114 cm(35-45 in) are suitable for creating autumn mixed borders, perennial borders, and certain groups.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

Even if there are not many of them, they still look very good.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

The colors of those directions that fashion dictates to breeders.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

Orange, purple, purple, yellow and white varieties still find their fans.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

The beauty of simple, semi-double and double chrysanthemum inflorescences is fascinating.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

Their mnemonic, xiphoid spherical, flat, pompous, spider-like forms are interesting in themselves.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

Small and big – they are all adorable!

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

Variety after variety of chrysanthemums demonstrate their beauty.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

Delicate and pastel, bright and charming — they are all beautiful.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

There are no ugly and uninteresting varieties!

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

Each chrysanthemum has its own “highlight”.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

Each variety has its own charm.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

Often the perception of the beauty of chrysanthemums is complemented by the appropriate name.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

The varieties created in the USSR, by the way, are not inferior in beauty to European ones.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

There is a certain boldness in them.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

The apparent simplicity of some small-flowered chrysanthemums is deceptive.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

You understand this when you start to look closely at the flowers.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

It is impossible to get acquainted with a variety of chrysanthemums “on the run”.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

At a fleeting glance, it is impossible to see all the nuances of the inflorescence.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

Going to the autumn chrysanthemum ball, it is necessary to allocate at least 2-3 hours of pure time for inspection, excluding the road.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

It is best to visit the exhibition on a sunny day.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

Those who like walking and chrysanthemums will enjoy the exhibition.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

Having bought an entrance ticket at the ticket office, do not waste time and hurry to the chrysanthemum exhibition, focusing on the arch adjacent to the administrative building.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

You can admire chrysanthemums alone and together.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

These autumn flowers do not like the hustle and bustle.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

If you do not have time to admire chrysanthemums at the end of this autumn, then next year it is better to plan a visit to the exhibition for the first decade of November, when not only small-flowered, but also large-flowered varieties will bloom.

Beautiful Chrysanthemums in Mass Flowering

Your perception of the autumn ball will be more complete if you see not only luxuriously blooming small-flowered, but also large-flowered chrysanthemums.

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