- ‘Admiral’s Braid’;
- ‘Beautiful Edging’;
- ‘Bill Norris’;
- ‘Darla Anita’;
- ‘Divine Comedy’;
- ‘Ed Brown’;
- ‘Edith Sliger’;
- ‘Elizabeth Salter’;
- ‘Ferengi Gold’;
- ‘Fiordilidgi’;
- ‘Farest Of Them’;
- ‘Forbidden Desire’;
- ‘Forbidden Fantasy’;
- ‘In Search Of Angels’;
- ‘Larger Than Life’;
- ‘Magic Amethyst’;
- ‘Neon Rainbow’;
- ‘Regal Braid’;
- ‘Roses In Snow’;
- ‘Storm Of The Century’;
- ‘Tune The Harp’;
- ‘Victorian Lace’;
- ‘Wisest Of Wizards’;
Why are daylilies so popular in the US? They appreciate their unpretentiousness, the rapid growth of the Bush, the ability to bloom without transplanting for many years, as the center of the Bush does not bare over time. Daylilies are also known for the duration of flowering — overgrown Bush has more than 20 stems, each — up to 40 buds, blooming gradually, for several weeks.
If you plant varieties of different terms, then for the whole second half of the summer, until frost, your garden is provided with continuous flowering. And what a huge variety of shapes and colors in the varieties of modern selection! Among them there is, perhaps, only pure black and pure blue. But there are such dark purple that cast black velvet, and the latest varieties — almost blue eyes…
In the United States, there are more than a hundred nurseries, not only selling planting material, but also engaged in the development of new varieties of daylilies, several hundred of which are registered every year. Therefore, it is quite difficult to Orient in the world of modern achievements. I’ll try to help you.
I present descriptions of some varieties that have recently come to my collection.
‘Admiral’s Braid’
The diameter of the flower is 14 cm, the height of the Bush is 55 cm, the average flowering period; white with a light pink blush and a Golden border, the variety has many awards.
‘Beautiful Edging’
A diameter of about 18 cm, height 75 cm, the average period of flowering, unusually large flower of cream color with pink edges to the petals of the “diamond coating”, fragrant, very delicate painting.
‘Bill Norris’
Diameter about 13 cm, height 70 cm, the average flowering period; flat corrugated flower dense texture, sparkling Golden yellow with a contrasting dark neck, has many awards.
‘Darla Anita’
A diameter of about 18 cm, height 75 cm, early-medium time of flowering; of delightful variety, unusually large flower lavender-pink in color with extremely wide ripple foam gold piping; dense texture, good branching stems, lots of buds, long flowering; in 2003 awarded in the United States.
‘Divine Comedy’
Diameter 15 cm, height 75 cm, the average flowering period; rich color of Burgundy wine, velvety, perfectly corrugated, with a silver foam border, yellow watermark and green throat; beautiful branching stems, many buds; in 2002, awarded in the United States; unfortunately, the photo does not convey the beauty of this flower.
‘Ed Brown’
Diameter 15 cm, height 70 cm, early-medium flowering; overflow cream and light pink, extremely wide corrugated Golden quilling, dense texture of petals, good branching stems; variety has many awards, including for 2006 — the highest: Stout medal; outstanding variety of American selection.
‘Edith Sliger’
Diameter 13 cm, height 65 cm, early-middle flowering period, intense coral-pink with a corrugated foam gold border and cream-yellow halo, petals of dense texture with relief venation and “diamond plating”, good branching stems.
‘Elizabeth Salter’
Diameter 14 cm, height 55 cm, average term; peach-pink, all corrugated and Lacy, with a very dense texture of petals and “diamond coating”, has many awards, in 2000 recognized as “Daylilies of the year”.
‘Ferengi Gold’
Diameter 14 cm, height 50 cm, early-medium; yellow with pinkish blush, perfectly corrugated petals of dense texture with “diamond coating”, the variety has several awards.
Diameter 12 cm, height 65 cm, the average flowering period; very rare for purple daylilies.
‘Farest Of Them’
Diameter 15 cm, height 65 cm, early-medium flowering; pink with a wide foamed Golden-white ruffle, green throat, dense petals, harvested texture with relief venation, abundant flowering; champion exhibitions; unusually good.
‘Forbidden Desire’
Diameter 15 cm, height 50 cm, the average flowering period; dark chocolate-purple, velvet, with a pinkish “watermark” and bubbly gold border; variety received the award in 2002; thick rich color.
‘Forbidden Fantasy’
Diameter 15 cm, height 70 cm, medium-late flowering; dark pure purple with silver border, petals of good texture, abundant flowering.
‘In Search Of Angels’
Diameter 14 cm, height 55 cm, early-medium flowering; intense pink, with a thin silver edging perfectly corrugated petals dense texture and yellow-green throat; amazingly beautiful variety.
‘Larger Than Life’
Diameter about 18 cm, height 75 cm, the average flowering period; unusually large, bright lavender-pink flower dense harvested texture with a wide foamed gold border; catchy and eye-catching variety.
‘Magic Amethyst’
Diameter 15 cm, height 70 cm, early-middle flowering period; amethyst-lavender, with fine corrugation, gold border and “diamond coating” crepe petals, fragrant; fine branching stems, many buds; one of the most abundant varieties.
‘Neon Rainbow’
Diameter 16 cm, height 70 cm, early-medium flowering; very large, unusual color combination of purple-lavender and mustard yellow with contrasting purple eye and green throat; this is not like the other flower if painted by the artist.
‘Regal Braid’
Diameter 13 cm, height 30-35 cm, the average flowering period; lavender-cream with a large purple eye and the same corrugated border; rare combination of large bright flower with dwarf Bush; great for border.
‘Roses In Snow’
Diameter 14 cm, height 60 cm, early-middle flowering period; thick red with emerald throat and cream edging petals, velvety, variety has many awards.
‘Storm Of The Century’
Diameter 14 cm, height 70 cm, early-middle flowering period, dark purple with Golden crimson edging and yellow-green throat, velvety, profuse.
‘Tune The Harp’
Diameter 15 cm, height 65 cm, the average flowering period; overflow from cream to lavender, color saturation goes to the edges of the wide overlapping corrugated petals with dark veins and a light midline, the variety has many awards.
‘Victorian Lace’
Diameter 17 cm, height 75 cm, early-medium time of flowering; very large flower delicate pinkish cream color with a gorgeous bubble super corrugated wide gold border, the petals are unusually thick crinkled texture with a “diamond spray”; lovely branching stems, lots of buds and abundant flowering, cultivar received an award of the United States in 2005; one of the best varieties of the modern world selection.
‘Wisest Of Wizards’
Diameter 14 cm, height 65 cm; cream with a pink eye and double (Golden and pinkish-tan) corrugated border; good branching stems, many buds; multiple winner of exhibitions in the United States; delicate color and abundant flowering.
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