Every day” strain the gyrus ” — the fate of every schoolchild from September to may. But if until today it was a duty, now, with the approach of the training finish line, it has become a necessity. Good final grades for the year require the mobilization of all physical and intellectual forces. If you think that the child has almost no money left, it’s time to act.
The two most useful things you can do now are: 1) minimize gadgets and 2) adjust your nutrition. And if point # 1 is likely to cause a strong resistance and your surrender, then the second point is exactly up to you. We’ll take it up today.
How many times have they told the world…
Every mother knows perfectly well that “fast”, “garbage” and excessively sweet food causes irreparable damage to children’s health. “Everyone eats-and nothing!” – you will say. That’s right: nothing. Nothing good. After all, food determines not only how a child feels, but also how they learn! Saturated fat, excitatory substances and excess sugar are now the basis not only of fast food and semi-finished products, but also many products from the supermarket. These substances affect the delicate biochemistry of the child’s brain, slowly but surely forming an imbalance in the Central nervous system. The “visible” result of these processes is attention instability, distraction, disorganization, and hyperactivity. And with this set, it is much more difficult to study for a-levels.
Can’t stop a child from doing something harmful? At least add something useful! The harm of pizza and nuggets can be partially compensated if you include fish and fish oil from the pharmacy in the diet. Why fish? Because neither meat, nor cereals, nor vegetables with fruit contain so much omega-3-fats, which are used to build all brain cells. Of course, the child will be able to learn the school curriculum, even if he eats fish only once a month. But with omega-3, learning will be easier and more effective, because this nutrient helps to use the potential of the brain to its full potential. The effect of omega-3 can be compared to the wind, which significantly accelerates the movement of a sailboat.
Fish of my dreams
It is not an easy task to prepare fish so that the child will eat it with both cheeks. And not cheap: fresh sea fish at an adequate price will not be found this afternoon with fire. Fishburgers (or deep-fried fish products) – a so-so alternative: it’s low in fish oil, but it’s high in calories. If you really want to improve the status of omega-3 in the child’s body, put aside your skepticism and buy your child fish oil in capsules — at least for the last 2 months of school.
Be careful: today in pharmacies there is not only fish oil, but also omega-3 complexes. Contrary to the slender chorus of bloggers, this is no purified omega, but simply synthetic. Omega-3 cannot be mechanically “filtered” from fish oil. To isolate omega-acids, fish oil is subjected to a complex chemical procedure-esterification, and after reaction with ethyl alcohol, ethyl esters of omega-3 acids are obtained. The technology is expensive, so the cost of such “omega-3 complexes” is 2-3 times higher than the price of fish oil.
In the pharmacy, it is better to take regular fish oil not only for reasons of economy. These days, it is a real luxury to afford a natural product, not a surrogate.
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