Rules of planting flowers in the flower beds
When choosing a place for the flower beds and the selection of flower crops, follow a few simple rules.
Pick a place for the flower garden sunny, not blown by the winds: think not only about the aesthetic appearance of the flower beds, but also about the comfort of flowers.
Much more beautiful (and more practical) to make one large flower bed than a few small ones.
Do not make it too fancy shape: curly flower beds look great, but to build their novice florist is quite difficult.
The layout and color
Arm yourself with pencils, patterns, paper and draw a plan for the arrangement of flowers on the flower bed. Try not to make too colorful combinations. They “cut” the eye and look a little messy. And if you still want to combine in one flower bed a lot of bright flowering plants, divide them into solid strips.
Be sure to consider the height of the flowers! To turn over the flowerbed better low-growing plants:
- Primula;
- Phlox;
- Iris pumila and so on.
In the middle of the flower beds planted medium-sized species of flowers:
- Begonia;
- Delphinium;
- Zinnia and others.
Center flower beds decorate with tall flower crops, ornamental shrubs:
- Garden roses;
- Syringa;
- Canna;
- Hibiscus and others.
You can also decorate the center of flower beds, topiary, will be original and beautiful.
And if you want to grow flowers of the same height, make a flower bed in the form of a gentle pyramid, because the flat flower beds do not look so beautiful.
Flowering period
Try to choose varieties of ornamental crops with the same flowering period. It will be a shame if the plants bloom at different times, breaking your carefully thought out pattern.
If you delve into the features of the soil for each individual type of flowers for the flower bed, you can easily get confused, so I will say the main condition: the soil mixture should be as nutritious as possible, include black soil (ideally), well-flavored with mineral and organic fertilizers.
In addition, plant only those plants that are well adapted to your region. Pay attention to the perennial flowers for the flower beds, because with them much less hassle than with annuals.
Location of perennials in the flower bed
Perennials should be planted rarely in the flower bed. Over time, they grow and require a lot of space. For example, echinops can be planted only 1-2 bushes per 1 m². Plants of medium height (lavandula, rudbeckia) – 4-5 pieces, low-growing flowers (vinca, houseleek) boldly put 6-8 pieces per 1 m², and the creeping species (azorella, houttuynia cordata) can be accommodated and denser: 9-10 pieces . per 1 m² of flower beds.
And do not be afraid that immediately after planting the flower bed will look empty. You can temporarily fill it with annual plants: asters, tagetes, zinnia, dianthus and so on.
Let’s look at the most popular types of flower beds and plants recommended for cultivation on them.
Regular flower bed
Under this dry name lies only geometry, because the flowers are planted in geometric order.
And the flower bed itself can be any shape. The symmetry of the arrangement of plants can be clearly emphasized or barely discernible – to your taste. When creating regular flower beds you need to choose those plants that bloom at the same time:
- hybrid tea roses;
- hosts;
- astilbe;
- narcissus;
- lilium;
- gladiolus and many others.
In addition, the height of the flowers for a regular flowerbed should be more or less the same, that is, the principle of symmetry is observed throughout.
Irregular flower bed
And here is where to turn around! On irregular flower bed can be planted a variety of plants: dwarf trees and shrubs, perennial and annual flowers with different flowering periods.
Raised flower bed
Impressive design! Decorated with stone, vine, colored tiles and even marble – it can become the highlight of any garden.
Very effective multi-stage raised flower beds, the creation of which requires considerable effort, building materials and money. And you can plant everything on it: cream and yellow narcissus in combination with pink and yellow tulipa look spectacular. A frame for the flower beds may well be violets and lilies of the valley.
A little talk about their favorite colors.
Undersized (up to 20 cm) beautiful flowering plant with openwork foliage will appeal to fans of graceful borders on the flower bed.
Nemophila is unpretentious, does not need shelter for the winter. When planting in early May blooms from July to frost.
Large flowers Lavater in white and pink raspberry tones is able to Refine any flowerbed.
Blooms 2 months after sowing and blooms until late autumn. There are medium-sized (up to 60 cm) and tall (up to 1.2 m) varieties.
Azalea is very unpretentious, rarely higher than 0.5 m. there are winter-hardy varieties.
Its exquisite beauty allows you to create chic monochrome flower beds, and not only. It is in perfect harmony with other colors, but especially effective in combination with tulips, tea roses, primula and bellis perennis.
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