The choice of seedling
Recently, another sign was accidentally discovered, which indicates a significant flaw in the root system. Being a green boy growing saplings of fruit trees, I saw a bucket of water and in it a dozen or two saplings-wildfowl (root growth). I asked why they didn’t put them in jail, and got the answer: “They were kept in the water too long, and they’re not residents. It turns out that if the roots are too long in the water, they partially die and the survival of plants is sharply reduced. If you gently squeeze the root between two fingers and pull it down slightly, the protective skin easily slides off it, and this should not be!
The arrows point to two pieces of protective crust, shifted three centimeters down. A healthy, strong root is one with their skin. This test is useful in the case when you buy seedlings on the market and their roots are not in a chatterbox or in a lump of earth and water.
Landing dates
With an open root system – in spring and autumn, with a closed root system-in spring, summer and autumn.
Landing method
Shrubs can be planted in two ways – in a pit and in a trench.
It is recommended to use for planting hedges and borders, when the density of planted shrubs can be from 3 to 7 pieces per meter. The width and depth of the trench depends on the type of plant selected and the size of its root system. If the plants need drainage, the depth will have to be increased.
Before you start digging a trench, you will need to mark the length and width of the trenches with pegs with stretched twine. The excavated soil is mixed with the components necessary for the formation of plant microorganisms. The amount and composition of the fertilizer during planting is determined based on the age of the seedlings. After planting, the seedlings need to be watered abundantly, if necessary (if the land is heavily sagging) add soil and re-water. Then mulch the surface with dry earth, sand, peat – who likes what.
For example, I have a fertile black soil, but heavy, so I often mulch the plantings with sand, with subsequent watering and weeding, it gradually mixes with the soil and loosens it a little. When pruning grapes, do not throw away the vines, but cut them into small pieces with scissors and cover the holes with them – both practical and beautiful.
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