Even a novice greenhouse owner knows that you can even grow bananas in your greenhouse, but for this you need to get a private botanical garden. And there are no lovers of this exotic fruit who would plant it at home.
But it is this mistake that every gardener makes in relation to the cucumbers that have become familiar. It is believed that varieties (both gardeners and authors of books on growing cucumbers no longer make a difference between a variety and a hybrid) of cucumbers for greenhouses are easy to choose, since the largest number of shelves are allocated in stores for seeds of this crop.
On the reverse side of the bright bags, attractive information is given, which clearly states that these varieties of cucumbers are optimal for the greenhouse. And what other characteristics do you need to pay attention to?
A little bit about the maturation period
Early maturity is determined by the number of days from full shoots (not from the first timid cotyledon leaves, but mass shoots, when it is already possible to assign thinning dates, when strong and weak sprouts are visible) to the first green harvest. Not the first and not the only frightened cucumber that accidentally caught my eye, but at least ten pieces.
- early varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses and open ground require from 40 to 50 days to give the first harvest;
- theearly-maturing varieties are those that require only 40-42 days. For example, the variety “Altai”, which is recommended for growing in the open ground, the first crop can give not on 35 day from full shoots, but only on 44 day;
- medium varieties of cucumbers will please the gardener with the first harvest in about 50-60 days after full germination;
- medium-late cucumber varieties grow — 60-70 days.
- late-maturing cucumber varieties for greenhouses are unlikely to be relevant in an unpredictable climate, since they may take almost 2.5 months to give birth to their first children.
Carefully read the descriptions of varieties and hybrids
On the reverse side of one of the bags with cucumber seeds, it is indicated that it belongs to the middle — aged group-from planting to fruiting 42-44 days. Everything is written correctly, but in the store crowd it is not immediately possible to understand that this cucumber will need additional time to ascend, grow and get stronger before getting out of the seedling cup into the ground of the greenhouse.
It is a pity that the manufacturer does not fully describe its product.
Be sure to consider the recommendations for the light zone
“Antey F1” is a wonderful cucumber: the taste is excellent, it is not afraid of a mosaic of ant, bacterial, and diseases. In addition, early maturing, does not apply to giants, is beautiful both for salad and for marinating. It is recommended to grow under film shelters or in greenhouses. Should I buy it? Sure. Especially if the seed producer promises a yield of 13 kg (28.6 lb) per square meter.
Yes, it will be so (with minor adjustments), if the owner of the garden lives in the zone of I light.
If the gardener comes from the zone III light , the maximum yield will not exceed 9 kilograms. This is the ideal option.
And all because this variety of cucumber for greenhouses is recommended for growing in the I and III light zones. But greenhouses with film shelters are not heated in winter !
Where to find reliable information about varieties and hybrids
In the catalog of the full range. In this folio you will find not so many varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses, which are sold in specialized stores. The catalog describes only those varieties that are included in the Registry, where each is assigned a code.
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